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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. well i will put it like this who is still here in their own place and who went they way of the buffalo???
  2. i was watching b-1 earlier today and lima and milena were talking about something that seemed important, and once again milena goes into her dresser drawer and pulls out what looks like a contract of some kind and points to parts of it as she talking. now I know actors have clauses that state what they or will not do on camera, and this changes with each film they do. I wonder if these girls have something similar???
  3. i never of the incident , but i did heart that nora had to be the center of attention or she would get pissed, so this makes sense, guess thats why nora is gone now
  4. like my good friend walter once said "that bitch jumped on her menstrual cycle and ran my ass over...."
  5. i am goingto sart thinking of b-1 as the taj mahal because its about as exciting as a tomb........these two while friendly are obviously not into each other beyond that.......hell they both bated once and i guess they figured they have met their obligation to RLC....lol
  6. nora was before my time but given what i have read about her she may have come close, it seems she was not well liked
  7. just read those posts, turns out lima has been being a bitch this whole time on the down low, I never saw that coming
  8. not that i know of but a couple that lived where nelly and bogdan are did, he slapped her around and threatened her a lot to the point that she would cower down if he was yelling and pointing at here very sad
  9. OT im watching both b-1 and b-2 and for once belle has lola to herself and amazingly she is not hanging all over her maybe so but i never tire of seeing a good tit, if i get to that point cjeck my pulse cause i may be dead lol
  10. This chick at zoya and lev's is hot i think i have heard called tabu ........ but she never shows anything
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