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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. im rather torn about whether i like having b-1 and b-2 so close together, thus far it has had detrimental effect on the goings on between the two. i am thinking it would be better if the apartments were farther apart with no interaction between them. i know there are others that are close as well but for these two it has been a bad thing maybe once there is new blood in both we will see better things to come
  2. i wonder why??? she seemed in good spirits, maybe cause she didnt get to go to b-2, she was certainly headed out and then stopped suddenly
  3. absolutely, and since these are actual residences arent there certain expectations of privacy that would require (please forgive this term) model releases, and because of the nudity i would think they would certainly need to have proof of age on hand just in case
  4. no i mean if a guest were to come in and get naked for instance, i know its happened before, just wondering if its all off the cuff or if the person is screened ahead of to make sure they are of age and give consent and such
  5. i was windering how a friend this was...lol.....also thought this after she left in the morning but dont they have to sign like an age verification form and some kind of release before they can actually do anything in apt on cam???
  6. that may well be true but she has alienated herself from every one else......and also what did she have to say about last night i am interested to hear her impression of how things went
  7. i think lima took what ever everyone else was taking last night, especially judging by her coloration this morning, she was looking very rough, and she obviously did not feel good
  8. i would like to see irma and danaya together, just a gut feeling, but i think they would be awesome, i know danaya kind of fizzled but adele was mind fucking her the whole time
  9. hard to say, i have it too, needless to say i have watched it a lot, and anna planted big one on irma and it looked like irma kissed her back then more rubbing and nothing......all or irma's massages were like that, and on the subject am i wrong or did irma and ilona have a conversation once during this last visit and one of them said they didn't like to lick pussy?
  10. thats true lol...but then again there all of us poor bastards on the free side that have nothing better to do than to post
  11. im going to go out on a limb here and say the masks were in case someone they knew was watching
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