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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. Okay i just went back and re read the post to make sure I wasnt mistaken....the way he worded it was that milena was pissed of because some girl was talking behind her back and she didnt like it.....never really specifies who the "some girl" is....so take from it what you want
  2. yes there was some other stuff pertaining to outside matters thats why i didnt include that just the part about the talking
  3. Okay since last night has given soo many a case of the rosey red ass (myself included), heres what i propose.... swedish style "Big Brother Barca" and here is how it will play out: Upon arrival all creature comforts will be taken away, all clothing, make up, and creature comforts must be earned as reward for successfully completing competitions. In other words if they want to go out and party they have to participate to earn the necessary things to make that possible. Competitions will include but are not limited too: condom application using only their mouth, fastest orgasm, who can edge the longest (edging is holding back from orgasm), blind draw robo spanking, tickle torture, sybian/fucking machine endurance.....and members choice just to name a few. Anyone placing last will be the sex toy for the house for 24 hours following competition. Rules subject to change as games progress........
  4. call me crazy but I want to see danaya come back......I think if she is placed with someone who doesnt screw with her head like adele did she will be a lot more fun......my fantasy do over trio would be danaya anna and irma....all three have shown some curiosity towards other girls but have yet to seal the deal
  5. shall we pray for the sweet 60....and get all new blood in b-2 and make a fresh start of it
  6. and then the plot will certainly thicken, someone mentioned it earlier and i am surprised RLC hasnt addressed it, but belle was contracted to stay at b-1, it seems by sstaying in b-2 she violated the terms of whatever agreement they enter into
  7. I have noticed that many of the cams are high def in normal lighting conditions, and they go fussy when the night vision function kicks in. Having dealt with these types of cameras in a completely unrelated profession I can tell as it stands right now the night vision your are seeing is about as good as it gets. If the cams appear fuzzy under normal conditions there could be another factor at play. These cams are most likely under plastic domes to provide protection and prevent anyone from changing the directional settings. These domes are often colored or tinted to reduce glare. Unfortunately plastic degrade over time causing clouding. If hard detergents are used again clouding is the result. most likely what you are seeing is a dust build up as I have to see anyone dust these things. so clouding and dust would result in a fuzzy picture. So in conclusion RLC needs to invest in new camera covers, and be more diligent with cleaning them while being sure to clean them with the proper products. Oh the other reason could be a resolution issue where the picture is expanded too far. If you remember back when avi's and mpeg's first started showing up and everything you opened was about the size of a postage stamp and when you enlarged it the picture was horrible. Same thing here. Ok I will shut up now.
  8. I truly believe belle looks to lola as a surrogate mother figure, I really dont think its a sexual thing with those two, hence the reason nothing has happened. I agree that once anna megan and rebecca left the whole dynamic changed for the worst and belle has had difficulty making the adjustment. Once Stella moved to b-2 she changed completely leading me to believe that of all the girls stella is the most two faced of the lot, and she has appointed herself lola's mini-me. As for the milena thing, I think lola certainly seized the opportunity to exploit the situation for her own gain. I said before that lola struck as a dom with her harem of subs, and this may be the case but there is no denying the level of affection I saw tonight, and oddly if anyone is the outsider it looked like caroline. I have noticed she tends to separate herself (last night being the exception) from most of the goings on in either house both sexual and otherwise, and i will wait and watch to try to determine the why of that. probably will be wrong as usual but thats the fun of it.
  9. Kitek translated a phone by milena when she was talking to the guy who speaks english, he said she was talking about being mad about some girl who was talking behind her back and she does not like it when people talk behind her back. Now having said that what was never made clear is who that girl might be. There is obviously a huge rift between milena and belle and maybe even belle and lima the cause of that rift could be from any one of several reasons already discussed at length. Also tonight I witnessed something I had not seen before at b-2. I saw what looked to be genuine affection from lola towards the other girls. I mean literally tucking them in kissing them goodnight. It may be this affection that has drawn belle to lola along with the other girls, If I remember correctly belle was overheard one day saying she missed her mother. This affection is certainly lacking at b-1. Of course the whole party thing is a factor as well but I think its the affection that solves the riddle of why belle is so drawn to b-2, it may not have a thing to do with milena directly.
  10. my guess is that sometime tomorrow belle will text or call lima to insure milena is gone from the apartment, and go back to b-1 long enough to grab fresh clothes and such then she will head back to b-2, it certainly seems like she intends to stay at b-2 until her time is done....... thats where all the good "water" is
  11. i agree she was hired to occupy b-1, but due the total lack of chemistry and the significant gap in age, i think if she was forced to go back she would just hide in her room all day or worse yet stay gone from the apt altogether. So as much as I agree with you at while she is at b-2 she has the possibility of doing something, at least as long as the "water" holds out
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