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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. i think you can make one, dont know how you'll have to ask the mod, but that cam is shitty
  2. Translation of current covnersation: caroline asks lol if she knows what god said the first time eve went skinny dipping lola says no what did he say caroline answers "damn now i'll never get that smell off of the fish."
  3. damn I knew it .... caroline has got poison pussy ........ thats why she never played with anyone
  4. if they were really going to be mean they could send her home to b-1 so she doesnt make them sick in case she is contagious
  5. thats what happens when you burn the candle at both ends and run yourself down like that, plus she has been spraying that stuff in her throat all day, guess she has a sore throat to boot
  6. been saying that for a while now ......... but im sure there is some kind of contractual agreement involved
  7. i thought caroline left with lola and now only lola returns............omg lola killed caroline ...... or sold her to white slavers...........lol
  8. lima went out with milena casual dress lima in shorts and milena in dress with flip flops
  9. say what you will about milena ........ but she has a sexy ass especially in those daisy dukes
  10. we may never really know what happened and it may involved something that happened away from the apartment for all we know...this isnt the first time girls have not got along.....similar thing when vica was in b-1
  11. i posted something similar earlier so i agree with you on this, plus right before belle essentially moved to b-2 did she not comment that she was missing her mother
  12. as for caroline I have never really been a fan of her anyway so as far as im concerned she can leave and she will not be missed by me
  13. i just an old perve, so if someone took my picture and then used it to wank, i would be flattered then again im not belle, and milena has done absolutely nothing to try to make things right between them
  14. honestly I dont think its any one thing, sometimes people just dont care for one another and choose to avoid each other, I think belle just wants to be where the party is, and where she feels more connected
  15. I think she is the one "talking behind milena's back", all the b-2 girls have done it, they did it the last time they were at the b-1 apt, and unfortunately so did lima to the b-2 girls....milena and belle are like oil and water.....plus milena may feel slighted by belle since she put so much effort into taking and editing those pics for belle
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