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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I like music loud -- but that's almost too loud and im 24 yrs old lol. --Im not complaining tho -- just noticed.
  2. Vika was so devoted to her boyfriend it affected how she interacted with the other girls -- but she was fine.
  3. My favs were Rita,Elisa, and Irma. -- Jus something special it seems to me about those 3, but the others were fine with me too.
  4. When Ilona comes back there could be some sex between Irma and her. -- Ilona seems to be coming out of her shell, and being more sexual. -- I may be wrong tho.
  5. Elisa always smelled her fingers and sometimes tasted them. -- She and Irma would be the 4th of July all the time i think. -- jus an opinion tho.
  6. I think Irma is going out --- wrong as usual -- or jus trying on something new. --Taking selfies too ---Goodnight girls sleep well!!!
  7. I think Irma and Ilona were starting to "connect" right when Ilona left. -- Oh yea Polya and Irma have a good friendship developing.
  8. Totally agree on all of that -- dont think there is any chemistry with Polya and Irma -- they do like each other tho.
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