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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Irma i could be wrong -- but i think that part screws on -- or slips down into to the glass thing -- may be very wrong tho
  2. Polya hasn't seemed too happy at all -- that's just how it seems to me. Maybe im wrong --- im wrong more than right lol.
  3. I wish i could occasionally have a little weed but i get drug tested randomly so unfortunately can't.
  4. They looked dressed to shop maybe -- go to store like they do often.-- Probably not out to eat since both had something to eat not long ago.
  5. One more question before i go to bed for awhile -- Is Ilona coming back? Ive kind of been out of the "loop" as they say? Ive been spending time with a friend who was in an accident so not been around.
  6. Like i said earlier -- I regret opening my mouth about certain things about girls in here -- i was a fool. Only thing i dont regret is taking up for bad things anyone says about ANY ANY girl in here -- not jus Rita, but anyone. --- Personal things i know, or anyone knows -- should be kept in private. Sorry for all the crap i caused. ---- Jus havent been on here hardly at all, because i dont like people to hate me even if they dont even know me. ----- That's a big fault of mine lol. Im not a bad guy believe it or not.
  7. I havent been on here for a very good reason guys. Ive read what everyone has said and ive come to a decision. I wanna apologize for making too many comments on here about anything --im admitting it after going thru all the comments for a few weeks. I also want to apologize for talking about certain things and certain people. Whatever i know i should keep it to myself -- things like that are personal anyway. Im not obsessed with this apartment -- i jus like it alot because it's different. Ive been watching other apartments today and it's been fun. Im sorry ive got everyone hating me jus because i got over enthused. I didnt realized how much ive posted till i went back and looked. Again im very sorry for everything -- more than you all can realize. Ive never been on any kind of chat or forum site EVER. --- I jus got carried away and let my mouth go in gear before i thought about things i was saying. --- Personal things should be kept personal. I feel terrible for all this. -- I jus wanted to be apart of all this and i got carried away. --- Im man enuf to realize my mistakes and i jus hope you all can forgive me. ---- I assure you i will post alot less ---- ALOT LESS.
  8. Des why do you think it's a strange thing to know that someone has a boyfriend -- explain that for me? -- An alien didnt give that rose to Irma lol. -- All i said was Irma smiles alot because her boyfriend gave her a rose, and she cares very much for him. --That's not strange.
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