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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Yea no covers around Canito. She was so eager to use it she went right to the bathroom washed it, lubed it and then stuck it right in her pussy.
  2. I think you will after tonight --- A complete change will take awhile. --- I think she has had us all fooled.
  3. I see sex all the time on the net but this this just came out of nowhere. --- I figured if she used it -- it would be later and under the covers but hell no lol.
  4. I will never doubt Ilona again --- i was a dumbass again about her. -I was jus shocked how quick she got it after they left the room. -- She never hesitated did she guys??
  5. Irma got Ilona worked up -- then when they went their seperate ways Ilona got her toy and played like crazy
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