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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Wasnt gone long.... --- Not sure what time. -- She is ok now. --She got to see someone for awhile id say and is safe, sound and in bed.
  2. Thanks Eagle! These girls are human and things happen that upset them. --- I made a simple statement that i knew Irma had a very special guy friend in Barcelona.---- Hell i got special friends there in Barcelona. -- I dont live there anymore, but i wish i did sometimes to give support to people that need it. Irma is a very special girl i assure you. --- She's a hot beautiful girl but still jus like anyone else is she has feelings for people --- and that showed this afternoon. -- Then she went out for awhile to more than likely meet jus a good friend. ---- I caught hell because i mentioned she might jus be meeting a FRIEND. --- Maybe that person was a guy or girl -- i wont say for sure. Im not her guy friend , but at times wish i was lol. ------ She's a jewel of a girl!!!!!!
  3. Im still trying to figure out why a few people got bent out of shape because i said Irma had a very good friend who was a guy in Barcelona. --- I didnt say he was an alien or something lol. ----- And as i said -- i told you i didnt think she would be gone long. -- Irma is a very sexy beautiful girl but she also has a big heart for people. Today something happened -- that bothered her so i figured she wouldnt be gone long. You could tell it did bother her bcause she napped for 2-3 hours. When she woke up she cried for quite awhile. -- No clue why she cried tho. Jus dont understand why some got upset by what i said.
  4. All i ever said in the beginning was i bet Irma was meeting a guy who is her main best friend. ---- Why has all this other stuff come up???
  5. Have you seen the videos??? -- Not of Irma or Rita, Elisa and you never will. ---- They dont need porn -- they are too successful without it.
  6. lmao Rita doesnt need PORN just as Irma doesnt. ----- Believe me PORN needs girls like them. But you will never see them in a porn video i gurantee that.
  7. I dont wanna get into the Rita conversation lol. --- Rita wasnt good for this project and she knows it now. --- Rita is too settled and career minded for this project. -- She had too many things going on to devote time to RLC.
  8. I jus said im pretty sure she isnt a porn actress like you normally see on the internet. She for sure is more in to women than guys im almost certain. -- Not saying she hasnt made videos with guys --- but where are they. If shes making them but no one sees them ----- what the hell is the need to make them lol.
  9. My cousin has a friend-- who is a pretty good friend of Irma's. She's isnt engaged to him. -- He's jus a guy she sees more than anyone else is all. -- Why is that so strange??
  10. Ok i believe that, but i think she has another guy friend who is just a very good friend too that she sees. -- Not a huge thing guys. --
  11. Im talking about Irma. -- all i said was something as simple as Irma meeting a guy who is a great, and special friend. --- What is so dramatic about that. -- Didnt say for sure -- jus a good possibility. Could be a female friend too.
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