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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I dont have translators. She jus sees her with one guy most of the time. -- Why is that so strange Thes. --- He may jus be a good friend.
  2. My cousin has lived in Barcelona for 35 yrs. and she's crazy about this site so she jus hears things we dont. She's an expert at the language Russian, Spanish -- jus name it. I jus trust what she hears. ---- But whats so exciting about her meeting a guy friend who is special to her.??
  3. Ok what i really meant was she has a boy who is a good and special friend. --- That should clarify what i meant. -- I shouldnt have said boyfriend -- sorry guys.
  4. Didnt say it was a fact --- all i said was i think she has a guy friend who is special. -- I have heard the name Henry several times from my cuz.
  5. My cousin just tells me things that may be or may not be right. -- Thats why i dont mention names or things like that. Her bestie jus knows alot about whats going on in Barcelona. I dont live there no more so im not in the "loop."
  6. No Ben this just what i know from a friend (relative) who is obsessed with this site. All she has ever said is that Irma has a special guy friend -- nothing special i guess. --- She knows her thru a friend -- who is a casual friend. -- Not a blockbuster thing. -- Jus what i know from talking to her about a week ago( my relative). -- Things may have changed. It may jus be a friend she likes to hang out with. -- She and him may be having problems -- dont know anything for sure.
  7. I only said guy friend because if she meets a guy it's most likely him..... that's all. -- Sometimes tho you cant always tell everything. -- I have no clue his name. -- Jus know he's important to her. Very good friend right now. I jus know she has known him for a year or so. -- Very well may not him -- could be another guy or girlfriend.
  8. Who? I only watch when i have some down-time from my job every few minutes. -- Being a trainer i stay busy watching and making schedules for the people who i train.
  9. No matter how well they know the town -- Barcelona is a wild and crazy town. -- I loved it, but if i was a girl id carry some kind of extra protection if you know what i mean. -- I think Irma can handle herself tho.
  10. Sorry for saying boyfriend -- he's just her number one guy right now -- but hell that could change any minute.
  11. Dont think he lives there permanently but she has a friend she dates more than anyone else that lives there for awhile at a time. -- Guess he isnt a boyfriend but he's more than jus an aquantince. -- My bad for saying a boyfriend, but he's her main guy RIGHT NOW. -- Who knows women change like the weather lol.
  12. I think she will be just fine. I doubt she will be out more than two or three hours. -- Hope not -- Barcelona is a nice beautiful city but it has alot of nasty people there too. I lived there 3 years. I will visit again but would never live there.
  13. Looks like Irma is off to the store maybe. -- Or a sports bar maybe. -- Or her boyfriend who lives there.
  14. I think it's time Irma gives some serious dancing lessons. -- Never seen anyone who could dance like Irma.
  15. i love this apartment more than others because it's so real. -- "what you see is what you get" as the saying goes. --- Chances are you'll never see real sex-- but hey teasing is fun too.
  16. Yea Beaver i do too. -- Since i been here ive never seen her drink anything but tea or water. --- Im so glad she's here tho because she livens it up. Maybe her and Polya will hook up -- but i dont think there's any chance her and Ilona will ever do anything. -- They are great friends which in the long run is probably better.
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