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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Honestly i swear ive never looked at any -- im always too busy watching the rooms. -- I know theres a place and i keep thinking im going to but havent yet.
  2. No Canito -- they are all tired. -- They were gone from the apartment most of the day doing whatever lol.--- Irma started to play using hands but she quit. -- She was jus too tired to do anything. --- Polya was the first to go to bed -- real early really. Then Irma and Ilona kinda played around grabbing -- doing the usual haha. Irma went to bed finally when Ilona quit messing with her lol. --- Notreally sure if and when Ilona went to sleep. ----- That's the whole nights action.
  3. I agree Harley -- i dont think Polya is impressed by money and influential people. -- Im sure she likes money but she cant be bought like alot of girls. --- I lived in Barcelona about 9 months ago and theres some arrogant people there who think their money can get them anything. -- Nice place tho.
  4. Irma is 100% real -- not a fake bone in her body. --- When i said i was use to it --- i meant Irma stays so busy running around having fun --- sometimes she is jus too tired to play.
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