I am glad I was raised better than that. God-fearing Midwest up brining is all a person needs. We have to deal with all the "undocumented workers", lol, I mean illegal shitbags. At least we don't have any projects where I am from. My Guard unit went down and did security in New Orleans after Katrina and we were in the 6th precinct and it was all projects/section8 housing and those bastards would just sit on there ass from sunup when they could come into the city till curfew when they had to leave, on their porch drinking beer. Their houses were full of stolen shit from the local walmart. It wasn't just dry goods either. They didn't have any power but they stole everything from milk to frozen hams. Not just one either we went into a house where we found two H&K 91 (fully automatic .308) with the whole livingroom stuffed with everything from T.Vs to 15 gallons of milk, frozen turkeys (that weren't frozen anymore), bread, eggs, everything they could steal just because they could.
They would bitch about not being able to find a job because the Mexicans were taking them all, but all they did was sit on there behinds and drink. You really see the true nature of people during a disaster. There was a homeless guy we called Mad Max. He lived in a pullbehind cart on his bike. He worked his ass off and when the day was done he bought him a little food, a bottle of wiskey, and a carton of smokes. The rest of the money he earned from cleaning up for people all went to the Red Cross. It is a little pathetic when a homeless man puts forth more effort than a person who is even more capable.
I better stop before the NSA thinks I am being racist.