I will say one thing to you in response TBG, It was small business and Corporations that built this country. We hard working Americans helped them do it. The industrial complex made this country succeed. It was/is the Unions who are destroying us. The political machine cater to them. Also, even though I know your correct, but I take offense to your young Americans comment. I have more to loose than you do. I am 27. I am not a republican or a democrap I am a true conservative. I have given all of my adult life to my family and country. I will have no retirement. They are already cutting military pensions. I have paid into Social Security with my Civilian Job (both of them) and my military paycheck, but I won't see a dime of it. That tainted food you talk about, It has been in place since I was born. My only reprive for me and my kids has been what I hunt. It is in everything. You sir, are old enough you didn't have to grow up on the junk.
I forgot to mention that all of us combat vets will probably lose our combat connected disability too if something doesn't change. It is starting to feel like what my great grandpa wrote about after he got back from WWI. Society just didn't care. He said things were different after WWII, but people so easily forget what are troops go through. My heart goes out to the Vets from Vietnam. I know most are still fighting to get their benefits. I want any of you that are Viet. vets, I know how you were treated when you got home, and when my Uncle told me the stories I seriously cried and enlisted the next day. Any man that answers the call to country when there number is called shows pride and dedication, even more so to the men that volunteered even though they knew what was going on. God Bless and lets turn this country back on the track that will make it great once again.