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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Good. I hope it goes to $10/gal in Canada. Serves you right for supporting Joe Biden in our presidential election. Before Biden became president the U.S. was energy independent. Now we are again at the mercy of OPEC and Putin.
  2. You don't have the slightest idea of what is happening in the U.S.
  3. Joe Biden wouldn't be able to draw a crowd of more than 20 people in Iowa and Biden would need to pay those 20 people to show up.
  4. Strange that Rawstory has nothing to say about all the Democrat in fighting.
  5. "Highly influential St.Louis Post Dispatch"? LMAO. It's about as liberal as a newspaper can possibly be.
  6. More ridiculous propaganda. The Russia/Trump collusion charge was all a hoax concocted by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, so there was nothing real for Mueller to investigate. The lawlessness and criming was conducted by the people who invented the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. The truth of those crimes will be revealed when Special Prosecutor John Durham completes his investigation.
  7. As Biden and the Democrats continue to implode the lefties on this thread become more desperate and unhinged. Sorry, little lefties, but the Democrats have finally shown the American people who they really are and the American people don't like what they see. The genie is out of the bottle and there is no putting it back no matter how many lies the Dems tell the American people in an attempt to portray them selves as middle of the road moderates. That game will not work anymore.
  8. Happy, you are going to short circuit the brains of Golfer and O_U812 with all those factual posts.
  9. Happy, you are going to short circuit the brains of Golfer and O_U812 with all those factual posts.
  10. And the first Covid vaccination of an American didn't take place until December, 2020.
  11. But McCauliffe is a Democrat and a Trump hater, so why are you not supporting him?
  12. So what has Rosen said about the conversation between him Trump? Has he confirmed or denied the accuracy of the deputy AG's notes?
  13. So what has Rosen said about the conversation between him Trump? Has he confirmed or denied the accuracy of the deputy AG's notes?
  14. Rosen's notes or the notes of an unnamed deputy AG who says he was listening to the conversation between Rosen and President Trump?
  15. Since the phone call was recorded why do we need to rely on the notes of a deputy AG? Why not just listen to the tape of the phone call?
  16. I guess the kid didn't fit the profile of a Trump supporting MAGA White supremacist, so shooting other students is considered no big deal. Wonder if they took the gun away from him which he was illegally in possession of? Gun laws did a great job of preventing this shooting, right?
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