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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. "Data for Progress"? That definitely sounds like a far left organization. I can just imagine how bogus their polling sample and poll questions are. Sinema would not be behaving as she is if that behavior was not supported by voters in Arizona. I would say her polling info is much more accurate and objective than that of a biased far left organization.
  2. Those gifs would be a perfect fit for AOC and John Kerry when they warn about climate change. lol
  3. Everyday Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer dig the Democratic Party's grave a little deeper.
  4. But you are ignoring one big fact. Trump supporters despise Democrats even more than they support Trump. Those voters will walk over hot coals and broken glass to vote against Democrats in 2022 and 2024.
  5. And we're suppose to have a rational conversation with someone as immature as you, comrade Golfer?
  6. You just proved true what I said about you. You have a serious problem with your shit and asses obsession. Did your parents abuse you when you were being potty trained, comrade Golfer.
  7. Like I said before it is impossible to have a rational conversation with someone as irrational as you, comrade Golfer. Your gifs are more proof of how irrational you are.😏
  8. I see your obsession with asses and shit has overwhelmed you again, comrade Golfer. You are definitely in need of some psychiatric help.
  9. No, it is you who is afraid of reality because the future looks so dire for your beloved Democratic Party.😉
  10. The Jan.6 Committee is nothing more than a Democrat run inquisition. An inquisition run by a bunch of corrupt politicians. After the 2022 elections it will be Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Swalwell who will be forced to answer questions about all their illegal behavior before House committees.
  11. You mean all the cheap labor that the elitist millionaire liberal progressive Hollywood actors exploit?
  12. You are the one who cannot see reality, not me. You ignore the reality of Joe Biden and his policies being unpopular with the American people as reflected in Biden's crashing poll numbers. Wipe out coming for Democrat politicians in the 2022 elections!
  13. With the unpopularity of President Joe Biden the U.S. Supreme Court should feel emboldened to make rulings based upon the U.S. Constitution and not upon public opinion, and wimpy gutless Republican politicians should be more wiling to oppose the terrible left wing policies of Biden and the Democrats.
  14. In a special election on Oct.12 a Republican candidate won an Iowa House seat that had been held by Democrats for 46 years. A forecast of disaster for Democrats in the 2022 election? I think so.
  15. And the American people couldn't care less about this biased sham investigation.😉
  16. Wonder how well that ban will be received by all the Hispanic run landscaping businesses in California?
  17. Not possible to have a rational conversation with an irrational brain washed person like you, comrade Golfer.
  18. Sorry to disappoint you, but I will be running to the voting booth Nov., 2022 to vote all Democrats out of office even though my Republican Congressman is a wimp.
  19. That describes what Biden is doing right now. That's why Biden's poll numbers are in free fall.
  20. It's just been revealed that Hunter and Joe Biden shared bank accounts. Strange that this is no big story for the mainstream news media.
  21. You shouldn't confuse Golfer with such facts. It makes it much more difficult for him to peddle his lies and left wing propaganda.
  22. But Trump told no one to invade the Capitol Building. Just more propaganda and lies from you and your liberal progressive buddies.
  23. I noticed a lot of people in that photo dressed in black. Only protesters I know of that dress in all black are ANTIFA.
  24. You would be safe in Miami then since you have no brain cells to deteriorate.
  25. This is a true example of projection by those on the left. It is the Democrats who want one party(Democratic Party) rule in the U.S. Republicans aren't even allowed to submit amendments to legislation nor appoint Republican members to committees in the House anymore under the rule of Dictator Nancy Pelosi.
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