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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When was last time anything truthful was printed in the Marxist publication "Mother Jones"?
  2. I guarantee you that Joe Manchin is much more popular among voters in West Virginia than is Bernie Sanders.
  3. But if you eliminate illegal votes from the original count you will get a different total.
  4. And what the hell did you ever do, you elitist sob? Tell us all the great things you have done for this country and other people, you loud mouth phony.
  5. And every time Democrats get what they want Americans lose more of there freedom.
  6. Is it possible for you to make a comment without using the word shit or posting gifs about shit? you have a serious problem, comrade Golfer.
  7. But you are the most racist person on this site, little white snowflake. And what the hell does breastfeeding have to do with racism. You are so fucking indoctrinated with liberal progressive garbage that you probably believe it is possible for a man to breastfeed a baby.
  8. So now Buttigieg and the left wing media are going to use his gayness to protect him from being criticized for his behavior as Secretary of Transportation? Typical liberal progressive behavior. For the eight years of the Obama presidency any criticism of his competency was called racism even though the criticism had absolutely nothing to do with Obama's race.
  9. He didn't criticize and mock Buttigieg for being gay. He criticized Buttigieg for taking time off from his job as Transportation Secretary while we have a supply chain crisis in this country caused by a problem in our cargo transport system.
  10. Spoken like the true Marxist that you are, comrade Golfer. Your mind is so simple. I guess that's what indoctrination does to the mind.
  11. Is that first gif your face? Now I understand why you have such a shitty view of life.
  12. That's why Canada needs someone like Trump negotiating trade deals for Canada rather than someone like wimpy Trudeau.
  13. Foreign products will be cheaper until the Canadian dollar becomes worthless when Canada produces nothing.
  14. This article sounds like a good argument for why we need to promote manufacturing more products in the U.S. and reducing our dependence upon foreign imports.
  15. Nancy Pelosi's comment sort of confirms that she sees the mainstream media as a part of the Democratic Party, doesn't it?
  16. Biden might be able to sell the bill if he doesn't tell anyone what is in it. But if he actually tells the truth about what is in the bill it is doomed to failure.😏
  17. The incompetence of the Biden government is the problem, not the private sector. When government pays people to not work you get a shortage of people to unload container ships and a shortage of truck drivers to drive trucks that transport those storage containers across America. Biden tax policies will also cause fewer products to be manufactured in the U.S., thus making us even more vulnerable to foreign supply chain problems in the future.
  18. But I thought we were suppose to teach CRT in our schools because of White privileged people like the Biden family.
  19. But I thought we were suppose to teach CRT in our schools because of White privileged people like the Biden family.
  20. And the number of Independent and Democrat voters who oppose Biden and the Democrats' policies is growing everyday.
  21. That's because both the Democrat candidates and the anti-Trump Republicans are Washington,D.C. establishment swamp dwellers who don't give a damn about working class Americans.
  22. Biden is reinstating the Trump "Remain in Mexico" policy because he doesn't want the optics of 40-60,000 Haitian immigrants setting up a camp on the U.S. border in Texas. Biden doesn't mind all those people illegally entering the U.S. He just doesn't want the American people to know about it.
  23. McCabe should be in prison for what he did to help create and promote the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. Maybe Special Prosecutor John Durham has an indictment waiting for Andrew McCabe.
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