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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When is Dr.Fauci going to realize that no one listens to him anymore because he no longer has any credibility?
  2. No, it's actually called a computer malfunction that caused the comment to repeat.
  3. Tammy Duckworth, the tax and spend Democrat U.S. Senator from Illinois hasn't paid property taxes on her home in Cook County since 2015.
  4. What's new? Joe Biden has been a racist his whole political life. If Trump had done that every Democrat and many Republicans in Congress would have been calling for his impeachment.
  5. In my personal opinion, the person running the Biden White House and making presidential decisions is the Barack Obama proxy Susan Rice.
  6. Anyone who believes David Brooks is a conservative is a fool. There are no conservatives at the New York Times. Brooks is a CINO, a conservative in name only.
  7. Just throwing out the illegal votes would be much more than enough to change the final result.
  8. If you want them posted then why don't you post them, asshole? You don't get to decide how and what people post on here, you authoritarian bastard.
  9. You mean coffee is actually produced by evil corporations and not by government?
  10. Maybe it's mainstream policy in Russia, China or Cuba but not in the U.S. That's why self proclaimed Socialist/Democrat Bernie Sanders got his ass kicked in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary by someone who claimed to be a moderate.
  11. Sorry that you can't handle facts that don't fit your political agenda.
  12. I first thought this was an April Fools joke, but it's for real. Joe Biden's nominee for the position of Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, graduated in 1989 from Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. As Comptroller of the Currency she will regulate the U.S. banking system. Can you imagine what the Democrats and the news media would have done to Donald Trump if he had nominated this person? Google the name Saule Omarova to see just how radical this woman is.☹️
  13. I just saw an article posted on MSN by Ratezip stating, "Inflation Drives Mortgage Rates to New Lows" . How many months until they post a new headline that says, "Inflation Drives Mortgage Interest Rates to New Highs". 😉
  14. Per an Oct.1, 2021 article posted on Yahoo!News entitled "Biden's approval slumps after a slew of crises: AP-NORC poll". In that poll Biden's approval rating with Black Americans dipped from 86% in July to 64% in September and his poll numbers with Independents dipped from 62% to 38%.
  15. That's because you are too caught up in Trump's personality and don't look closely enough at what he accomplished policy wise for the American people. Also, all you know about Trump is what the news media wants you to know. Previous to Covid we had a booming economy with rising wages and falling unemployment numbers. Illegal immigration was greatly reduced. Our depleted military was rebuilt. Trade treaties were renegotiated to be more favorable and fair to U.S. workers and businesses. The U.S. became energy independent. Those are just a few of the accomplishments I can think of right now.
  16. Your prediction for the U.S. 2022 election probably has about as much credibility as your prediction for last September's Canadian election.
  17. The Democrats will need to get all the illegal aliens who cross the southern border into the U.S. registered to vote in order to save their asses in the 2022 election.
  18. And everyday Joe Biden keeps inviting thousands more "dreamers"into the U.S. So why do Democrat politicians take so much campaign money from corporations? Why did the U.S.Chamber of Commerce endorse Joe Biden in the 2020 election?
  19. And Claire Massey should be in a padded cell in some mental institution.😉
  20. So why did you answer my one comment twice? The truth of my comment bother you that badly?
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