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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Why is BLM not protesting the Marxist Mayor DeBlasio since he is the one who mandated the Covid rules for restaurants?
  2. Too bad we didn't allow this Marxist fool to rot in Somalia. I guess if you are wiling to marry your brother so that he can illegally immigrate to America then ignoring laws governing the legislative process is no big deal.
  3. You left out CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, ALTNET, RAWSTORY, DAILYKOS, WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, and numerous other mainstream media sources.
  4. What would your recently reelected Prime Minister Trudeau have to say about this? Looks like there are just as many stupid liberal Canadians as there stupid liberal Americans.
  5. That's what you wacky liberal progressive Democrats preach everyday about the earth and mankind because of climate change.
  6. Not really near. The end will come for the Democrats in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
  7. And if she supports the radical liberal progressive dem policies the people of Arizona will replace her with a Republican.
  8. You are really dumb. Baisonero has natural immunity from Covid. Vaccinated people are able to infect other people with Covid just as easily as can people with natural immunity. So what's the difference?
  9. Iowa is part of real America just like the rural area where you live.
  10. But in Democrat run states businesses are not allowed to set their own rules. The rules are set by the Democrat governor. I got a haircut today. There was a sign in the business saying even though they didn't agree with the mask mandate in Illinois that customers were required to wear masks or else their hairstylists could lose their state licenses.
  11. Show me polls indicating that people are interested in the Jan.6 Committee investigation, little snowflake.
  12. But businesses are not setting their own rules. The covid rules are being set for businesses by Democrat dictator governors.
  13. Here are the results of the Des Moines Registers' latest poll on the job approval of Joe Biden by Iowan voters: Approve of job Biden is doing- 31%, Disapprove of job Biden is doing- 62%, Not sure of job Biden is doing- 7%.
  14. No, she ran as a moderate liberal during her Senate campaign in Arizona, so that is how the people of Arizona expect her to vote. End of story.
  15. Spoken like a true Stalinist Soviet authoritarian, comrade Golfer. Wonder if Democrats will require proof of vaccination before allowing people to vote in the next election?
  16. Biden looks and sounds like he is not competent because he is not competent.
  17. Don't worry some dumb ass Republican senators like Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, or Susan Collins will probably help out the Democrats like they usually do.
  18. If we could ever get demographic information from the government about who are the people dying from Covid you might be surprised. Info on deaths by age, race, pre-existing health conditions and political affiliations are needed to prove or disprove your assertion.
  19. Mary Trump and the New York Times may be more impressed by the lawsuits when they are found guilty and ordered to pay damages by a court.
  20. Too bad for the Democrats that the American people couldn't care less about their Jan.6 witch hunt. Americans are too concerned about inflation, violent crime in our cities, illegal immigration, Biden's mishandling of Covid, and Biden's screw up in the Afghanistan withdrawal to waste time watching the Soviet style show trial called the Jan.6 Select Committee Hearing.
  21. The Brazilian president had Covid so he has natural immunity which a recent Israeli study showed is 27 times more protective from Covid infection than is the vaccination.
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