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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. 'A breath of fresh air' that Boris will eventually asphyxiate on. Notice they didn't say anything about the French president's opinion of Joe Biden. Also, the article lied when it said the decision to leave Afghanistan was the military's. The decision to pull troops out before evacuating American and Afghan civilians was Joe Biden's.
  2. She wants to keep her job as a U.S. Senator.. That's why she is not supporting all the far left radical positions of the Democrats in Washington, D.C. She knows that if she supports those positions the voters of Arizona will vote her out of office.
  3. Blah, blah, blah. Same old garbage from you because you have nothing important to say, comrade Golfer.
  4. Republican officials wanted an audit because they believed there was fraudulent voting. So what is wrong with that?
  5. After Biden's speech at the U.N. today American citizens had better prepare themselves for Climate change mandates just like the Covid mandates imposed upon them by the Biden Administration.
  6. So why don't you move to downtown Detroit where all those loyal Democrats live? Wonder how long it would take before your 2018 Chevy Impala would be stolen or stripped if you did move to Detroit.
  7. So says the Washington, D.C. establishment clown loser, Rick Wilson.
  8. Are you really so stupid to believe that people who have concerns about the vaccine would carry such ignorant signs. The people in helmets are protesters attempting to ridicule individuals who are not convinced of the safety of the Covid vaccines.
  9. They look more like Democrat plants attempting to spread left wing propaganda. The signs are no more than Democrat talking points used to discredit anyone who has concerns about the Covid vaccine.
  10. Yeah, indictments from Special Prosecuter John Durham against those who were responsible for manufacturing the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. Maybe even Hillary Clinton and Jim Comey.
  11. Maybe healthcare workers know something about the vaccine that we don't know and the government isn't telling us?
  12. This article says Woodward and Costas' book claims Sec. of State Pompeo was one of the people who 'placed guard rails around Trump's actions'. Pompeo has said that statement is a lie. Also, I have seen no confirmation from William Barr nor Gina Haskel about similar assertions made about their attempts to 'place guard rails around Trump's actions'. Just more distortions, lies and propaganda from a left wing blog.
  13. If the IRS has filed tax liens the investigation has already been done, dumb ass. Now it's just a matter of making them pay the money or seizing business assets to cover the tax debt.
  14. YEAH, A RECESSION CAUSED BY A FUCKING WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC YOU LYING , DISTORTING, DISHONEST, PROPAGANDA PROMOTING SON OF A BITCH! You left out that the economy recovered and the recession ended before Trump left office.
  15. You and the Democrats including Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden are just upset because they didn't get the fucking riot they were hoping for at the Capitol on Sept. 18. Democrats should have sent some BLM and ANTIFA members wearing MAGA hats and Trump shirts to the Capitol on Saturday. Those two organizations have plenty of experience in conducting violent protests and riots.
  16. Now your propaganda and lies have become totally insane. So now Democrats consider the Taliban an ally against terrorists and Trump supporters to be terrorists. Wonder if Biden's people will allow Taliban members to cross our southern border into the U.S. so that they can execute MAGA Trump supporters?
  17. Nice photo shop. Too bad it has no connection to reality. But that's a typical distortion and lie promoted by you and your buddies on the left.
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