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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. My cable bill went up two months ago and today I received notice that my trash pick up fee will be increasing because of the business' increased costs primarily from the increase of fuel prices for their trash trucks. I full well expect my auto and home insurance premiums to go up because of the increase in costs for auto parts and home repair supplies. Thank you, Joe Biden.
  2. So you agree then that mail in voting for all voters should be eliminated once the pandemic is over, right?
  3. Just because it was done because of the pandemic does not change the fact that mail in voting made cheating easier.
  4. Ask Golfer. He is the one who said Larry Elder will be a distant memory.
  5. You failed to mention the booming economy and rising standard of living for American workers that resulted from those Reagan tax cuts.
  6. Nice to see a photo of a real president who actually could laugh, rather than having to look at the grumpy sourpuss face of the angry incompetent Joe Biden.
  7. Just proves that Democrats 40 years ago were just as economically ignorant as are present day Democrats.
  8. So says the little ANTIFA snowflake who talks about the Capitol riot everyday on here. You have permanently reverted back to Jan.6.
  9. The same general who told us the training of the Afghan military was going great. And the same general who oversaw the bungled chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that caused 13 members of the U.S. military to lose their lives.
  10. Trump droned an evil Iranian general and Democrats and the news media wanted to impeach him. Biden droned 10 innocent Afghans including 7 children and the Democrats and news media yawn.
  11. What's it any of your fucking business anyway? We'll take care of our country and you take care of yours.
  12. If Bob Woodward and Robert Costa really and truly believed that Trump was such a serious threat to our democracy why did they wait until now to share that information with the American people? Why did they not inform us while Trump was president. Apparently saving that information for their book was more important than saving the country from the evil Donald Trump. LMAO
  13. Not true. Pelosi rejected the Republicans that Kevin McCarthy appointed to the committee.
  14. No, we'll leave the coup attempts to people like Gen. Mark Milley, John Brennan, Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, and James Clapper. They have more firsthand experience in those endeavors.
  15. Actually, I'll be at home enjoying my life on Saturday. The cesspool called Washington, D.C. is the last place I would want to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  16. Jim Acosta and Dr. Mary Trump together in a remake of the movie, "Dumb and Dumber."
  17. The same Democrat legal experts who want to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court? Did those legal experts have anything to say when Justice Ginsberg in a 2015 speech at Georgetown University criticized Donald Trump the Republican presidential candidate?
  18. And we would still be waiting for a Covid vaccine to be developed and approved for use by bureaucrats in the FDA.
  19. So Biden is going to withhold Covid medication from dying Florida Covid patients until Desantis complies with Biden's mask and vaccination mandates. Sounds like extortion to me.
  20. No, just more garbage from the same stupid book. Wouldn't be the first time Bob Woodward made up quotes in a book. Has anyone asked Gina Haspel if that quote is accurate?. And if she did make that statement why did she not pressure the rest of Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to have Trump removed from office?
  21. House Select Committee made up of members selected alone by Democrat Nancy Pelosi. If I were Trump I would send them a bunch of blank sheets of paper or of totally blacked out redacted documents.
  22. And what did all those polls and CNN in 2015 and 2016 say about Trump's chances of being elected president?
  23. So why are the people at CNN and the DNC still so worried that Donald Trump will run for president in 2024?
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