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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Bating material is all you and O_U812 post with your propaganda stories from left wing blogs.
  2. Better than your obsession with shit and asses, comrade Golfer.
  3. Because O_U812 is too much of a coward to be one of the service people in Kabul rescuing Americans and Afghan refugees from Islamic terrorists. He'd rather sit in the safety of his parents' basement and pontificate about things of which he has absolutely no firsthand knowledge.
  4. Wish I could. If the news media weren't such Democrat and Biden kiss asses they would do it.😏
  5. How long before Susan Rice shows up on all the Sunday talk shows to tell everyone that the attack at the Kabul airport was caused by an anti-Muslim YouTube video?
  6. Biden is promising more strikes on ISIS. Joe, why didn't you strike ISIS before they killed 13 U.S. service members? And why did you withdraw American troops on July 1st before you evacuated American civilians? Not surprising though, since Biden has done everything ass backwards his whole government career.
  7. No way can they possibly get all Americans out by 8/31 let alone the thousands of Afghan allies that the Taliban will hunt down and kill if they are not evacuated. Right now the gates of the airport are closed because of the threat of a terrorist attack.
  8. Afghanistan will never be a peaceful place until the Afghan people want it to be peaceful. The good people of Afghanistan need to unite to vanquish the Taliban and other Islamic terrorists. No outside power can ever accomplish that. The only way to deal with Islamic extremists is to fight them the same way they fight. There should be no such thing as an Islamic extremist prisoner of war. Once captured any Islamic extremist should executed on the spot. Any people who intentionally bomb schools and hospitals full of people are mad animals and deserve to treated as mad animals.
  9. Almost all my relatives were or are still working class Democrats. I grew up believing the big lie that Democrats were for working people and the poor, and that Republicans only cared about rich people. I even voted for Jimmy Carter and hated Ronald Reagan until I learned of all the lies that the news media had told about Reagan. I quit supporting Democrats for the same reason that Ronald Reagan stop being a Democrat. Reagan said 'he did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him'. That is exactly how I feel.
  10. Got the job done? Biden's incompetence got 13 service people needlessly killed. If we suck as a nation it's because of people like the Democrats and you.
  11. I have been in favor of withdrawing for years, but not in the incompetent haphazard way in which Biden has conducted the withdrawal. It didn't need to be this way.
  12. By saying you will no longer share your stories with him because of his political views you have essentially vanquished him, super dumbass. That's what I was saying, but apparently you are too dumb to understand that.
  13. Pray to God the Islamist terrorists don't launch a rocket and mortar attack on Kabul airport. If they do, the first attack will look like a picnic compared to the carnage they will inflict on the people at the airport.
  14. Right now the Biden Administration is warning of another probable terrorist attack at the Kabul airport within 24 to 36 hours while at the same time telling Americans and Afghans to come to the airport if they want to be evacuated.
  15. Go to hell. You lying piece of shit. It was German soldiers who exterminated millions of innocent Jewish women and children.
  16. Even Democrats rejected Bernie Sanders in the Democrat presidential primaries because they thought he and his policies were too radical. Now the Democrats with the $1.5 billion infrastructure bill and $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill have fully embraced Bernie Sanders' radical socialist agenda. Democrats now know this will cause them to be totally rejected by the American people if we have fair and honest elections. Therefore, they need a voting process which will allow them to steal elections.
  17. "Arbitrary and cruel"? No, they ruled according to the U.S. Constitution and the law which is how the Supreme Court is supposed to rule. If Nancy Pelosi doesn't like the ruling then she needs to pass legislation making rent abatement legal.
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