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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I see where AOC and the "Squad" are pressuring "Sleepy Joe" to nominate a Marxist for Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  2. Your gifs are almost as childish and immature as you are, little Russian agent. Surely Putin has more competent people than you, comrade Golfer.😉
  3. Another distortion of facts by a left wing propaganda blog. The GOP want to impeach Biden not for ending the Afghanistan War, but for a totally botched and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost the lives of 13 U.S. Military Service people and almost 200 Afghan civilians, and for leaving American citizens and Afghan allies stranded in Afghanistan left to the mercy of the Taliban.
  4. O_U812's analysis of the Biden presidency for the next three and 1/2 years: Anything good that happens will be because of Biden. Anything bad that happens will be because of Trump.
  5. And now the brilliant leaders of Western nations are going to help the Taliban to reopen and operate the airport in Kabul. Once the airport is reopened the Taliban will be able to fly out their primary export, Islamist terrorists.
  6. Just like Islamic blood is replacing Aryan blood in Germany, right?
  7. The speech Joe Biden gave to day about the end of the Afghanistan War is a perfect example of gaslighting. Now, lets see if the American people buy it, or if they can see through the lies and disinformation.
  8. I don't trust anything the "officials" of the Biden administration say about anything, period.
  9. Drone strikes could have been conducted on anyone in Afghanistan just to take heat off Biden, the State Dept, and the Pentagon for the unnecessary deaths of 13 U.S. service members at the Kabul airport. Strange that they could so easily locate and kill ISIS K terrorists after the airport attack but couldn't locate and kill the terrorists before the attack.
  10. Just more proof that Ryan is part of the Washington, D.C. establishment. Where's he employed now, as a lobbyist, or member of an establishment think tank in Washington?
  11. So where's the video? And even if there is video of a drone strike on a vehicle it doesn't prove that the people in the vehicle were members of ISIS K. Could have just as easily been innocent Afghan citizens.
  12. Oh yeah, the Democratic Party, your public schools, and the news media have gaslighted you for years and you are too dumb to see it.
  13. Sorry, but in spite of what the Biden administration may claim the border with Mexico is wide open to illegal immigrants.
  14. In an Aug.18, 2021 interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC tv Joe Biden said there were 10,000 to 15,000 Americans in Afghanistan. Today at the end of our evacuation the State Dept. said we evacuated 6,000 Americans and that only 200 or less Americans remain in Afghanistan. So who is lying, Joe Biden, the State Dept., or both? Also, in the Aug.18 interview Biden said the U.S. would not leave Afghanistan until every American had been evacuated.
  15. Sounds like the U.S. and other countries will help the Taliban to reopen the airport at Kabul for commercial flights. I guess that's to make sure the Taliban have a means to export Islamist terrorists to the rest of the world.
  16. At least he wasn't a hypocrite. He lived and died what he believed.
  17. You are a weasel. Afraid to accept responsibility for your own words. You did say that you are surrounded by people who want more Americans to die in Afghanistan just to make Biden look bad.
  18. I thought vote buying was illegal, but I guess if a governor does it with taxpayer money it's okay.
  19. Dr. Fauci says people should not receive covid booster shots until 8 months after their original vaccination, but Biden says people can get them after 5 months. "Sleepy Joe" must have consulted with Dr. Jill Biden. Wonder how much of a kick back payment Joe or Hunter is getting from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson?
  20. You saying you didn't say this, O_U812, you little lying weasel?
  21. You just lied again. You definitely did say that you are surrounded with people who want others to die in Afghanistan just to make Biden look bad.
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