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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So you are saying Democrats don't want to deal with the real issues that voters are interested in, and will resort to character assassination to defeat Herschel Walker. Sadly, it doesn't surprise me, knowing how evil and vicious Democrats are.
  2. But I'm not a Republican, and both Democrat and Republican career politicians are part of the military-industrial complex.
  3. Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled House shoved a balanced budget down Clinton's throat just like Bill shoved his dick down Monica's throat. Clinton did not want to sign a balanced budget but did it for political expediency.
  4. "The vaccination rate under Trump was shit"???? We didn't have a fucking vaccine for public use until Dec.,2020. That means Trump had at most one month to get people vaccinated before leaving office. Like I said before, if it weren't for lies you would have nothing to say. Thanks for proving me correct again.
  5. Thinking is something you are incapable of that's why you post so much material from other people.
  6. You need to understand that calling people "racist" is the go to strategy of liberal progressives in the U.S. when anyone says something they don't agree with. That's part of their tactics for shutting up dissent.
  7. If it gets too bad for Joe, the Democrats and the news media will throw him overboard in an attempt by the Democrats to save their political careers and by the news media to save what they have left of their credibility.
  8. Next week I expect that Golfer, O_U812 and all the Democrats in Washington, D.C. will some how be blaming Hurricane Ida on Donald Trump.
  9. And prior to Jan.20, 2021 Donald Trump was Joe Biden's president which neither Joe nor most other Democrats ever accepted. Including you and Golfer, little snowflake.
  10. And it was a Republican president Dwight D. Eishenhower who was the first to warn of the military-industrial complex. By the way, the man Joe Biden appointed Secretary of Defense, Loyd Austin III, prior to becoming Sec. of Defense was a member of the board of directors of Raytheon Technologies, a major Defense Dept. contractor. But there's no conflict of interest, right?
  11. Let's see what they say when he wins against a Marxist disguised as a Christian preacher.
  12. The military industrial complex that Joe Biden.has been a part of for his 48 years as a member of the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp.
  13. Correction, an orderly and non chaotic withdrawal had already begun during the Trump presidency.
  14. Unfortunately, they will never find those facts on Alternet, DailyKos, RawStory, Yahoo, and other left wing blogs which are the only sources of research for them.
  15. I blame Biden for putting people in an indefensible position where it was easy for these "Animals" to attack them.
  16. After that insane and brainless statement I do hope that you die in your sleep tonight.
  17. The people you are surrounded with are the families who have sons and daughters in Afghanistan, so it is very unlikely that they want people to die. The real truth is that it was liberal progressives and people like you who were hoping that members of the military would be killed while Trump was president just so that he would look bad. You just exposed yourself with your comment, gutless cowardly snowflake.
  18. So the person who provides the housing is guaranteed nothing, but rent delinquent losers are guaranteed free housing. That sounds a lot like socialism to me.
  19. Bernie Sanders, AOC, Cori Bush, and Ilhan Omar are normal people?
  20. Maybe that is what you should do. The world would be a better place if you did.
  21. The reason they blasted Chief Justice Roberts is because they know he is the weakest conservative on the Court and most easily swayed from his convictions by the news media and political intimidation.
  22. Heaven forbid that the Supreme Court actually make rulings based upon the U.S. Constitution and law. It's a court of laws, not the court of social justice. if you don't like the current laws then pass legislation to change them.
  23. How does it feel to get taste of your own medicine, little Russian agent?
  24. I told you to stay away from that mirror when posting comments, but you just won't listen.
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