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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Too bad only a small part of the infrastructure money will be spent on actual infrastructure. The 19 Republicans who supported the bill are Rino swamp dwelling career politicians who only care about their political careers. Too bad for them that they made a big political mistake for which they will pay in their next primary election.
  2. You mean all the political hack left wing experts who you bow to?
  3. How does Biden convince everyone he is a moderate when people will see the socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders pushing passage of the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill? Joe Biden won the Democrat presidential primaries because even Democrats saw Bernie as too far left.
  4. Wow, I didn't know you were an epidemiologist. How many Covid patients have you saved?
  5. Inflation, inflation, inflation; debt, debt, debt; and taxes, taxes ,taxes!!!
  6. Today's headline from THE HILL posted on MSN, " Bad news for Democrats: As Biden moves left, his polling moves down"
  7. Declaring certain acts of protest hate crimes and treason is a devious way to silence free speech.
  8. "We all need to take just a little responsibility for our actions." So when are you trading in your 2018 Chevy Impala for an electric auto?
  9. And only about 25% of the money in the so called "infrastructure" bill goes for real infrastructure. The rest goes for the Democrat's socialist projects.
  10. And to know what kind of person you are all people need to do is click on your CC profile and read your own words.
  11. Definitely transformative. A giant step toward turning America into a socialist nation which even Democrats voted against in the Democrat presidential primaries.
  12. And when do we get a break from your idiotic left wing propaganda and lies?
  13. And BLM members marching down the streets of New York City chanting, " What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!" is just constitutionally protected free speech, right?
  14. But BLM rioters burning and looting businesses is just a form of political protest, right?
  15. I called him a protester because burning the BLM banner was his form of protest. I'm saying he would have been charged with a hate crime for burning the BLM banner even if it had been his property.
  16. How many days do I get if I burn a photo of Joe Biden, comrade Golfer?
  17. You advocate for separating and deprogramming people. Spoken like the true Stalinist that you are, comrade Golfer.
  18. If stealing is a hate crime a lot of shoplifters in San Francisco and BLM looters should be facing a lot of time in prison. So if the protester had burned his own BLM banner he would not have charged with a hate crime? I don't believe it.
  19. Maybe he burned the banner because he hates communism since BLM is a Marxist inspired organization.
  20. So "They're going to sing like canaries?" I always knew they were all bird brains.
  21. More projections by the ruling elite since it was the Democrats who subverted the 2020 presidential election.
  22. So we must all turn control of our lives over to the government just like with the Covid mandates, right? We'll just replace Tony Fauci with John Kerry and let Kerry dictate what Americans can and cannot do in the great quest to save the world from climate change while Kerry and the rest of the ruling elite continue to fly around in their private jets and live in energy guzzling mansions.
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