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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wow! The Russian agent using the term "nam" for Vietnam to show how hip and cool he is. Sorry, but you're not fooling anyone, comrade Golfer.
  2. No, the Taliban have the bargaining chips. It's just a matter of them deciding what they will make us pay for those chips (American hostages).
  3. "Sleepy Joe's" press conference today where he took no questions demonstrated that the U.S, right now has no president.
  4. Pretty simple? What if the Taliban says they will not allow refugees to enter the Kabul airport unless we release those funds to the Taliban?
  5. As crazy as things are in Afghanistan, in ten years the U.S. will probably be helping the Taliban to kick the Chinese out of Afghanistan.
  6. Here is today's headline from a story posted on MSN by The Wall Street Journal, "Taliban block routes to Kabul airport, hampering evacuations". With thousands of Americans spread all over Afghanistan, what are you going to do now "Sleepy Joe"?
  7. The only reason Democrat politicians are voicing concern about this catastrophe is because they are catching hell from their constituents and family members of Americans trapped in Afghanistan.
  8. Dishonorable discharge with a bronze star? Better check your facts before you open your mouth, little snowflake coward.
  9. That's quite an elitist racist statement from a good little liberal progressive Democrat.
  10. No! Biden had seven months to remove civilians from Afghanistan in a slow orderly manner before removing our military forces. He chose to remove the military first.
  11. What the hell is wrong with our military leadership? This was a perfect opportunity to take out the leadership of the Taliban with one drone strike.
  12. Today's headline in the liberal New York Times as posted on MSN, " Intelligence warned of Afghan military collapse, despite Biden's assurances".
  13. Fact: Obama/Biden had 8 years from Jan., 2009 thru Jan., 2017 to get us out of Afghanistan and they didn't do it.
  14. Today's headline from the Washington Post posted on MSN, " Democrats offer some harsh reviews of Biden on Afghanistan". So it's not just Republicans.
  15. LMAO. Without the U.S. being there Europe would not have lasted 20 minutes, let alone 20 years in Afghanistan.
  16. Chuck Hagel is just another of the Washington, D.C. establishment losers. Why didn't Hagel and Obama keep Obama's 2008 promise to get us out of Afghanistan?
  17. You can spin the story as much as you want, but Joe Biden owns and is responsible for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the American people know it.
  18. I didn't say anything about liking anyone. I just explained who and what Democrats are.
  19. Voters support our withdrawal from Afghanistan, but not the incompetent and embarrassing manner in which the Biden Administration handled the withdrawal.
  20. Glad you stand by your decision, Joe. You just lost the 2024 election.
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