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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I suggest you click your heels and be transported back to OZ.😉
  2. Because that is a plan being pushed by progressive, socialist, and Marxist members of the Democratic Party, not by liberals.
  3. But I don't think Americans want online schooling from Moscow. 😉
  4. It appears Gen.Milley should have spent more time teaching Afghan soldiers how to fight and less time teaching U.S. soldiers how to be "woke".
  5. Best video you or Golfer have posted since being on this thread.
  6. I was on board for wiping out the people who attacked us on 9/11, not for nation building in Afghanistan. Once we eliminated the al-Qaeda threat to our nation we should have left. We should have learned from our experience in Vietnam and from the Soviet Unions's failure in Afghanistan in the 1970s and 1980s.
  7. There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat anymore. By "moderate" they mean "liberal". The Democratic Party is now made up of liberals, progressives, socialists, and Marxists.
  8. And Democrat politicians would lose a lot of money from public teacher unions' political campaign contributions. They have a legal money laundering scheme going. Democrat politicians pass legislation that funnels money to teachers and then the teachers unions send part of that money back to those same teachers in the form of campaign donations.
  9. I wonder, does that include the all the Blacks who are unvaccinated?
  10. The problem with most teachers is that the only thing they know about is school. They go to grade school, middle school, high school and then college to become teachers. So they have very little real life experience.
  11. The Biden Administration is in charge of how the withdrawal is being conducted. It could have been a well organized well coordinated withdrawal instead of the helter skelter chaotic type withdrawal we are seeing right now. The State Dept, Defense Dept., and our intelligence agencies failed horribly in their assessment of the strength of the Afghan military and the Taliban fighters.
  12. And Dan Rather, "Danny Blather", is such a credible ethical person.
  13. Again, you don't even know what gaslighting means. Just a term you toss around with no connection to reality.
  14. She and her daddy are two of the primary culprits responsible for us getting involved in the Afghanistan quagmire. Her Wyoming primary election can't come soon enough to suit me. Time for Republicans in Wyoming to kick her sorry ass out of Congress.
  15. Most likely that's all there is to you. The little snowflake with a big limp dick and a small brain. And since you have blonde hair if you were a woman you would be classified as a blonde bimbo.
  16. The state is burning with a Democrat governor and a Democrat controlled legislature that has run the state since 2011.
  17. You are lucky you don't have losers like O_U812 and Golfer for renters. Plus, I don't think you would want to be paid in rubles from Golfer anyway.
  18. Only a complete idiot would withdraw American troops before all American civilians had been evacuated from Afghanistan. Now we're having to send troops back in to conduct a chaotic last minute withdrawal of Americans with the Taliban hot on our heels. How stupid!
  19. So when are you trading your air polluting 2018 Chevy Impala for an electric vehicle, little snowflake hypocrite?
  20. That would be bad for all the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers like Dr. Fauci.
  21. So why don't you have those people move into the rental properties you own? Oh I forgot, you own nothing and contribute absolutely nothing to this country because you are a little snowflake parasite.
  22. The "woke" Gen. Mark Milley was in charge of training the Afghan military. Looks like he did a bang up job. The Afghan military is a 300,000 man force with the best military equipment in the world and they are being routed by a 75,000 man Taliban force with inferior weaponry.
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