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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You mean they'll report on the Stalinist and Mao type deprogramming concentration camps? Don't think so, Biden's people will try to keep those camps secret just like they are trying to keep secret the immigration disaster currently taking place on our southern border.
  2. Wonder if any new Covid variants were created at Barack Obama's birthday party where people were partying and closely congregating without wearing masks?
  3. Key part of that headline is "BIDEN'S Department of Homeland Security", not U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Biden is using Homeland Security Department as his private Gestapo to suppress political opposition to his policies and the Democratic Party.
  4. Hopefully, people like you and Golfer will disappear first.😏
  5. If it was a closed door session, so how did the information become legally public? Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell must have been at the hearing.
  6. Wonder if Democrats can keep the Covid crisis alive through the 2022 election?
  7. Thanks a lot Joe Biden for your open borders policy which probably allowed the lambda variant into the country.
  8. Biden doesn't even need to "batter" AG Merrick Garland into advancing his personal agenda. Garland is an enthusiastically supportive Biden puppet. Biden's personal agenda is Garland's agenda.
  9. "She died in the commission of a crime." Wonder if you will feel the same way the next time the police shoot some unarmed Black who resists arrest.
  10. The only ones who have burned down anything are BLM and ANTIFA.
  11. None of them are anywhere close to being as mentally deranged and filled with hatred as you are.
  12. Unless you are a BLM or ANTIFA rioter and looter, then you receive praise from the Democrats and news media. VP Harris will even raise money to help bail you out of jail. 😏
  13. Trouble with that theory is that African Americans who support Democrats are the group with the lowest vaccination rates.
  14. What a totally ridiculous conspiracy theory. Alternet.org as a news source has about as much credibility as the National Enquirer.
  15. Yep Biden is really popular with the American people. Here is an NBC headline posted today on MSN, " 9/11 families to Biden: Don't come to our memorial events".
  16. But it took at least 60 votes for cloture before the infrastructure bill could be voted on in the Senate. The Democrats only have 50 votes, so where did the other 10+ votes come from if Republicans did not support the bill?
  17. No, it's because that I do understand politics that I hate career politicians and everything that they stand for. And you understand politics because you are just as dishonest and phony as are the career politicians.
  18. Because the Republicans cooperated with the Biden Administration whereas Democrats would not work with the Trump Administration.😏
  19. But allowing tens of thousands of unvaccinated undocumented immigrants to cross our southern border into the U.S. is not a Covid superspreader event, right?
  20. They'll be safe from Covid in Sturgis as long as they don't allow any Democrat Texas legislators into the city.
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