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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. What, you drive a 2018 Chevy Impala? Not driving an electric auto? Typical liberal progressive phony hypocrite. Just like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom with covid. Do as they say, not as they do.
  2. Some people are so blinded by their hatred of Donald Trump that they cannot see any farther then the end of their noses. Donald Trump is a private citizen, so if the courts rule that Congress can obtain copies of his tax returns then that means Congress can obtain the tax returns of any American citizen.
  3. What are members of Congress going to do with the tax returns anyway? There's not one Democrat in the House nor Senate who is intelligent enough to understand a corporate tax return. Maxine Waters going to analyze the tax returns?
  4. I think he should run against "Sleepy Joe" in the 2024 Democrat presidential primary.
  5. That's why the Democrats like Cori Bush, who is a Marxist idiot, are pushing the rent moratorium. They want to destroy private business in America and have the government take over control of everything.
  6. You mean dear traitor Joe Biden who has opened our southern border to the whole world? Biden should be impeached for not enforcing immigration laws.
  7. So why did your little buddy O_U812 call lollapalooza a super covid spreader event? Go to hell, dumb fuck.
  8. You are such a fool. Obama is an elitist who believes he is better than the vast majority of Americans. Just like Covid rules don't apply to the elitist Nancy Pelosi they don't apply to the elitist asshole Barack Hussein Obama. When cameras are not around people at Obama's birthday party will not be wearing masks.
  9. The bullshit blogs you post are not the only reading material in the world. I read what I want to read, not what you try to force me to read, commie Russian prick.
  10. I do not consider Chicago to even be a part of Illinois, and Democrats run the city of Chicago so they are responsible for Lollapalooza. Obama's actions just prove how hypocritical Democrats are since they are the ones telling people to avoid crowds. They are elitist phonies.
  11. Yeah, if you went maybe you could become infected with Covid at Obama's super spreader event.😏
  12. And you consider anyone who opposes your political ideology to be a criminal and a traitor.
  13. More propaganda and outright lies. Impeach Biden for not enforcing immigration laws.
  14. No, I would tell them to take their fucking bar and shove it sideways up their asshole. Notice how empty the bar is? But it's no concern of mine anyway, since I don't go to bars.
  15. I wonder if O_U812 and Golfer were part or the 500 people invited to Barack Obama's birthday party at his home on Martha's Vineyard?😉
  16. You declare anyone who opposes your political ideology a criminal and a traitor.
  17. I thought "Sleepy Joe" had initiated programs to make sure minorities were vaccinated. Appears his policies are failing.
  18. If you had your way the only thing anyone would be allowed to read are left wing blogs posted by you. Thank God you don't have that ability and people are able to read other sources for news. Too bad for you that you can't operate in the U.S. the way you and Putin operate in Russia, comrade Golfer.
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