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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. No, I'm terrified of what lies will be presented as truth by the sham committee. The House minority leader is suppose to be the one to appoint Republicans to the committee, but instead Nancy Pelosi is now making the appointments of both Democrats and Republicans.
  2. Audience is down because Trump is no longer president. Too depressing to hear what Biden and the Democrats are doing to the country. By the way what were the numbers for CNN compared to one year ago?
  3. I already supplied proof with the Sept 14, 2016 story from TalkingPointsMemo.com entitled "NY Post Flubbed Story That Fueled Melania Trump Immigration Questions". I suggest you read it.
  4. Who cares what that fool wants. Anyone that invaded the Capitol Building is an idiot just as are the clowns of ANTIFA and BLM who burned and looted our cities last summer.
  5. I'm afraid of all the lies that will be told by members of the committee in an attempt to implicate people who had nothing to do with the riot. They will try to equate a constitutional objection to the election by members of Congress as being part of the riot even though Democrat members of Congress made the exact same objections to election certifications in previous presidential elections won by Republicans.
  6. But more American government employees were killed in the Benghazi raid than in the Capitol Building riot.
  7. More likely that statement is true for the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC and you.
  8. What??????????? No 4:00am dawn raid on the home of Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg by a 50 man FBI swat team like they did with that violent criminal Roger Stone? Weren't they afraid he would shoot someone when he turned himself in to the Manhattan AG?
  9. The Jan.6 committee will really be fair, right? The committee will be made up of eight members appointed by Democrats and four members appointed by Republicans except that Nancy Pelosi can reject any Republican appointees that she does not want on the committee. Sounds like a Stalinist type show trial to me with the verdict determined before the trial begins.
  10. No, I actually express original thoughts. Of which, you have none. You just repeat all the phony stories as fed to you by a corrupt and dishonest news media.
  11. You are the true robot. A member of the liberal progressive group think generation. You sound like a typical European who has been brainwashed into willingly giving away your individualism and freedom to big government for the sake of a subsistence level of financial security.
  12. But it is little indoctrinated blind mice like you who follow your dear leader comrade Putin.😏
  13. I'll admit that I can't read Russian. How about you, comrade Golfer? Although, I don't expect to receive a truthful answer from you.
  14. Spineless Rino Republicans will be the only Republicans selected by Nancy Pelosi to be on the Jan.6 committee. It's laughable that the Democrats are calling this the Jan. 6 committee in order to equate it to the Sept. 11 commission. How many people were killed during the Jan. 6 riot as compared to the number killed in the Sept. 11 attack?
  15. The involvement will not be revealed, it will be fabricated by a corrupt select Democrat House committee. The committee will be nothing more than political theater by people who hate Trump and Trump supporters.
  16. Sounds like the morale of VP Kamala Harris' staffers is not too good. Say they are treated like "sh*t", according to a story by MEDIAITE.
  17. Poor little Russian agent Golfer is so anally fixated that he can't make a comment without referring to shit. How sad.
  18. Nancy Pelosi's Jan.6 Select Committee should just write their report right now and save the time and money of a sham investigation since we already know what they are going to find based upon who the people are on the committee. All the committee members will be Democrats and Republicans who hate Donald Trump and his supporters.
  19. "still possible that Former Guy will be charged." Also still possible that I will win the lottery tomorrow.
  20. I see where Nancy Pelosi has chosen Liz Cheney to be on her Jan.6 Select Committee. What a surprise! I wonder haw many more Trump hating Republicans she will put on the committee?
  21. And it will continue to go on until the Democrat Party elites in NYC figure how to manipulate the votes to keep Eric Adams the Black law and order ex-cop from winning.
  22. And the Russian agent's anal obsession is displayed again. You have a severe psychological problem, comrade Golfer.
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