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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Because liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats work to destroy anyone who does not share their political ideology. They are vindictive evil mean intolerant people.
  2. Everything will be better after the 2022 election when the Democrats suffer a crushing defeat and lose control of both the House and the Senate.
  3. The FBI has all the evidence they need on Hunter's laptop computer. Now, the question is whetherJoe Biden and his Democrat political hack cronies in the DOJ will use the evidence to prosecute Hunter.
  4. If you are saying you didn't say you live in Tennessee you for sure are a liar or suffering from alzheimer's. You definitely did say that you live in Tennessee.
  5. I thought you didn't believe in "whataboutism". Mike Lindell reformed his life and became a very successful man. Hunter Biden is still a loser.
  6. Why would I want to waste my time reading the propaganda and lies that you and Golfer post when I can read real news reports instead?
  7. To learn something real I suggest both Golfer and O_U812 read the the book "AMERICAN MARXISM" by Mark Levin.
  8. He forgot the unimaginable horror of a criminal son (Hunter) who is a crack head total loser.
  9. Same Democrats on this committee as were on the Trump impeachment committee. And they will behave on this committee just as they did on the impeachment committee because they are who they are.
  10. That's if they lose. What if the charges they made against Dominion are proven in court to be true?
  11. Republicans would not have equal subpoena power as was proven by the actions of Democrats on the the Trump House impeachment committee.
  12. A $1.3 billion lawsuit is ridiculous. That figure was given for media headlines and in an attempt by Dominion to scare the defendants into retracting their charges against Dominion.
  13. I see Trump Derangement Syndrome is still alive and in control of the minds of people on the left. How sad.
  14. There is no scientific proof that the fires are the result of climate change. A totally ridiculous claim with no basis in real science. Purely fear mongering by believers of the Climate Change religion.
  15. Sorry, I lived during the fall of the Soviet Union so I know what happened, little boy. All you have is history written by your left wing historians who hated Ronald Reagan.
  16. Fact check by liberal progressive liars. I lived during the fall of the Soviet Union, little boy, and I know what happened. That sounds like what ANTIFA and BLM do in Portland every night. Except that ANTIFA and BLM are more violent and destructive than were the rioters in Washington, D.C.
  17. More propaganda from the left wing propaganda blog ALTNET.ORG.
  18. That's why Riggleman is a former member of Congress. He didn't support what his constituents wanted so they got rid of him.
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