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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Not warped logic, it's the truth. News commentators choose "experts" to interview that they know will support their political agenda as normal operating procedure. They know what the "expert" is going to say before the interview ever begins.
  2. Fox News is more of a news outlet than is CNN or MSNBC. And it sounds as if you are one of the people who wants Fox News shut down while at the same time complaining about attacks on the media. That's kind of hypocritical isn't it?
  3. The Clintons don't have anything to worry about because the news media will never tell anyone about it.
  4. Your comment is totally irrelevant to the question I was answering.
  5. Damage to the Washington,D.C. establishment swamp dwellers who are now doing everything they can to destroy him and his supporters. The Washington, D.C. establishment is scared to death that if Trump is reelected he will take control of government from the swamp dwellers and return it to the American people.
  6. Wonder is the Democrats will be able to keep the Matt Gaetz investigation going thru the 2022 election, since influencing the election is the real purpose of the investigation and rumor mongering.
  7. Strange they didn't mention anything about the Democrat leaders inn the U.S. who want to shutdown Fox News.
  8. Very simple. They support Trump because 75 million people voted for Trump.
  9. I finally agree with you. I don't give shit about what Kamala says either.
  10. And she chose the legal expert for the interview that she knew would give her the answers which would fit her Trump hating agenda. Legal experts are a dime a dozen and it is easy to find one that will tell you exactly what you want to hear regardless of your political agenda.
  11. Dangerous to you and Golfers' ability to misinform people with your political left wing propaganda.
  12. I remember during the presidential campaign someone named Kamala Harris said she would be reluctant to take any vaccine developed during the Trump presidency.
  13. I live my life and mind my own business. I have never committed a crime of any kind. In 75 years I've received one speeding ticket. I pay every penny of taxes I owe, I pay all my bills on time. The only debt I have is the mortgage on my home. And I'm dangerous and unstable? You are beginning to sound like a paranoid psychotic. Now that is dangerous and unstable. Do you check under your bed every night for Nazis, QAnon, Proud Boys and Trump supporters before going to bed?
  14. Don't need to tape myself, the Biden NSA is probably already doing it for me.
  15. Glad you took Happy's advice about being civil with your comments, comrade Golfer.
  16. So? Your life will still be just as miserable as it is right now.
  17. You watch the D.C. establishment on t.v. everyday and don't even recognize who they are? How about the elected officials who have been in Washington forever, the career employees of the Federal bureaucracy, the Washington lobbyists, and the Washington news media. None of those people want an outsider coming in to muck up their hold on power and wealth provided by their positions. Trump as an outsider was a threat to their game, and now those people will do whatever they need to do to destroy him an anyone close to him.
  18. I know. That's why President Trump was able to appoint three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and to fill a record number of Federal judge vacancies.
  19. The truly big lie was the one the Washington, D.C. establishment and the news media kept alive for most of the Trump presidency. The lie that Trump and his campaign had colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. That is probably the biggest lie ever told in American political history.
  20. That was my reply to your comment accusing me of stalking you and Golfer. What did your delusional paranoid comment have to do with a political discussion?
  21. Comrade Golfer is the one who said that he lives in Tennessee, but I don't believe him. I see that as just part of his cover as is his name Golfer and the photo of Arnold Palmer. Just his attempt to convince us that he is an American citizen. Sorry, but I don't buy it.
  22. You just described yourself. Get the straight jacket and padded cell ready.
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