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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If Trump is done why do you, Golfer and the news media keep obsessing over him?
  2. I'm doing just fine. Too bad the same cannot be said for you and "Sleepy Joe".
  3. Sounds like you are developing dementia or more likely you are a fucking liar.
  4. Sorry to tell you this Golfer and O_U812, but Biden's dementia problem will not improve. It will continue to become more severe and more obvious with each passing day. Pretty soon even the ass kissing mainstream press will no longer be able to ignore it and cover for "Sleepy Joe".
  5. The left is so concerned about the signs of dementia displayed by Joe Biden almost every time he speaks that they feel a need to project Joe's mental problems onto Donald Trump in hopes of deflecting attention from Biden's problems. Sorry, but the American people are smart enough to see through that game.
  6. That's what you are doing. A little boy trying to "act like an adult." Sorry, it's not working. It's apparent to everyone that you are still an immature feminine little boy.
  7. So why did you watch it? I didn't watch because I don't need a speech from anyone to inspire me to want every Democrat politician in America voted out of office. I have felt that way since 1980 when it became crystal clear to me who and what the Democratic Party is all about.
  8. Sounds like the truth about you is too much for you to handle, little boy.
  9. So now you are just going to outright lie? Maybe you need to retrace your steps and see what you said about Marjorie Taylor Greene, Candace Owens, Sarah Palin and a number of other conservative women.
  10. Then how do you know the toilet water is cold? You playing in the toilet bowl or drinking from it?
  11. Losing his train of thought in the middle of a sentence has nothing to do with a speech stutter. Falling down three times while walking up a stairway has nothing to do with stuttering. "Sleepy Joe" has a brain stutter.
  12. Angry Staffer is probably one of Biden's White House staffers who is trying to project Biden's mental deficiencies onto President Trump.
  13. Poor little snowflake losing his cool because he can't logically defend his claim?
  14. When someone points out a truth you don't want to hear deflection is your standard go to response.
  15. Seeing how much Trump's rallies upset all the left wing liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats makes doing the rallies worthwhile even if nothing else is accomplished.
  16. And Biden speeches help remind us why we wish Trump were still president.😏
  17. Finish building the wall and immediately deport people who enter our country illegally. Require people who are seeking asylum in the U.S. to remain in Mexico until their asylum hearing.
  18. Bryan Behar must be Joy Behar's son because he sounds just as dumb as she is.
  19. Why do you keep trying to project Joe Biden's obvious mental deficiencies onto Trump?
  20. How could I see something else when I didn't watch the rally? I knew that because of your and O_U812s' obsession with Trump that you two would watch and keep us informed about it on this thread. I also knew that anything you said about the rally would be the exact opposite of the truth.
  21. So says the little snowflake who has never done anything for this country except shoot off his big mouth with a bunch of worthless words and ideas that aren't even his own words and ideas. Nothing more than an indoctrinated left wing liberal progressive robot.
  22. A piece of shit like you isn't even fit to mention her name. So why do you fear a strong confident intelligent woman so much?
  23. So why don't you do the country a favor and leave, little snowflake parasite who lives off the labor of other hard working Americans?
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