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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I might need to buy one to protect myself from Stalinist idiots like you and O_U812.
  2. Hope you roll right off a cliff and take Golfer with you. Now that would be a great ending to the week.
  3. Yeah, I so much wanted to reenlist and go back to the war that Democrats got us into in Vietnam that I joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War when I returned to the States.
  4. I think I figured out the Democrats long range plan for solving our immigration problem that Kamala Harris referred to. They plan to turn the U.S. into a socialist/Marxist nation so that no one will want to immigrate here anymore.
  5. Felt like I should point how much of a hypocrite and phony you are.😉
  6. Watch the Aug. 6,2019 CNN Anderson Cooper interview of Joe Biden. Beto O'Rourke said it during the Sept.12,2019 Democratic presidential debate on ABC tv.
  7. But it's perfectly fine for you to call women "bitches" and "cunts", right?
  8. No, midgets. Sorry, but I don't give a shit about political correctness.
  9. You must. You are the one who brought up the subject of Biden and the Catholic Church.
  10. The next so called insurrection will take place at the ballot box in 2022 when we vote all the fucking Democrats out of office.
  11. I'm not, Dipshit O_U812 is the one who brought up the subject, not me.
  12. You mean the distorted history about Reagan and the U.S. that you learned from Russian written history books?
  13. Apparently you missed what Joe Biden and Beto O'Rourke said about taking guns away during the presidential campaign.
  14. Check campaign donation records, mental midget. Plus, Bezos owns the Washington Post which attacks Republicans and Trump on a daily basis.
  15. So why is Biden a Catholic then? And you judge people all the time on this thread, hypocrite.
  16. Trouble is, the stuff you read is all left wing propaganda and lies.
  17. Kamala Harris' message to residents of Central America, 'Do not come to the U.S. border! But if you do come we will let you in.'
  18. If that is true, why are you so afraid of him speaking? Why do you continually keep talking about him?
  19. If you are not a Catholic, what the Catholic Church does to Biden about receiving communion is none of your fucking business.
  20. That's so Bezos can have more money to donate to the DNC and Democrat candidates.
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