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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And Putin knows that. That's precisely why he will continue to be aggressive because he knows no one will push back.
  2. Not to where the real problem on the border is at the Rio Grande Valley. If Trump was not going to the border next week she would have never gone.
  3. The people of Texas disagree with you. That's why Ted Cruz is a U.S. Senator and Beto "the Irish Hispanic" O'Rourke is not.
  4. Unfortunately for "Sleepy Joe" and the Democrats senility worsens with every passing day, and symptoms of the disease become more apparent. The clock is ticking for Joe. Soon he will be speaking word salad when giving a speech.
  5. Looks like Hunter Biden may have used one of daddy's credit cards to pay for a prostitute. LMAO
  6. So according to Joe Biden we need to take guns away from people who live in rural areas in order to stop gun violence in our cities.
  7. Joe Biden just appointed Cindy McCain to a position at the UN. Was that her payoff for helping "Sleepy Joe" steal the election in Arizona?
  8. Notice how the only type violence the news media and Democrats are concerned about is gun violence? If someone kills me with a gun, a knife, a ball bat, or a car I'm dead, so why only concern about gun violence? Maybe it's because they know if we talk about all kinds of violence then we need to talk about the root causes of the violence and the people who commit the violence. Politically it's better for Democrats to blame violence on guns than on violent people, or to examine the reasons for people behaving violently.
  9. The better you understand your enemy the easier it is to defeat him.
  10. Hell, that's what the liberal progressive "thought police" at Twitter, Facebook, public schools, and universities are doing right now. Nancy Pelosi has also become a thought policewoman ( oops! I mean police"it") by not allowing certain gender related words to be used on the floor of the House.
  11. Tell that to Americans in Texas and Arizona who live on the border between Mexico and the U.S.
  12. Too bad she didn't do a good job of keeping the infection rate low for nursing home residents.
  13. That's because I understand how a tyrannical dictator behaves when he sees weakness. That's what Hitler saw in Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain's appeasement policy toward Hitler didn't work out too well for Britain did it?
  14. Watching indoctrinated people like you make fools of themselves.
  15. I got a tax and I'm not rich. You didn't get one because you don't pay taxes.
  16. Anybody who presents liberal progressive socialist/Marxist snowflakes with a truth they don't want to see is automatically branded a racist. SOS from you and Golfer every second of every day.
  17. I did get it straight. It is you who presents a distortion of the truth.
  18. Biden will probably have them vaccinated before he sends them up.
  19. That makes it twice as bad since you know the difference but still choose fiction over fact, wrong over right, and fascist authoritarianism over democracy.
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