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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You get overheated watching Fox News because you can't handle the truth.
  2. That sort of confirms that AG Garland is nothing more than a political hack Democrat completely under the control of the Biden White House.
  3. You sure you don't want him put before a firing squad and executed? That's how you Stalinists deal with political opponents in Russia, isn't it?
  4. That's what our government is suppose to do, dumb ass. That's what I pay taxes for.
  5. How do you know anything about what Reagan did or didn't do as president? You weren't even alive when Reagan was president.
  6. She is rich from her own labor, but she has no control over her own money nor much of her personal life.
  7. You mean those videos of the Jan.6 Capitol riot that MSNBC and CNN keep running over and over.
  8. I guess that explains why you can't receive the help you are severely in need of. 😉
  9. Then take their guns away, not the guns of gun owners who don't shoot people.
  10. And Democrat voters in Democrat run cities would never be prosecuted for any voter law violations.
  11. Yeah, "Sleepy Joe" just tripped three times within five seconds. Wow, you really are a gaslighter. With your ability to communicate in Russian you might could get a job with Pravda and help to spread propaganda for Putin in Russia.
  12. You stupid son of a bitch, the videos of illegal immigrants crossing the border are real regardless of who shows them. Why do the tv channels you watch not show those videos?
  13. The way I see it you and the Democratic Party are my enemy and the enemy of America.
  14. So why do you support the "For The People Act" which prevents states from requiring voters to show IDs when voting?
  15. Bent over and broken is exactly how "Sleepy Joe" appeared when fell three times going up the steps to AirForce One, or are you going to gaslight us about that too and say that it never happened.
  16. Gaslighting is what you do when you try to convince us that Joe's senility that we see with our own eyes isn't real. Sorry but you, the news media, and the rest of the Democrats cannot hide what is apparent to anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain.
  17. Why is Britney Spears under a conservatorship and Hunter Biden is not?
  18. The whole biased fucking BBC story totally ignores inner city gun violence which is where the vast majority of killings in the U.S. occur. They want to instead concentrate on mass shootings which are a small part of the over all death toll from gun violence in the U.S. Also, they want people to believe that killings with assault weapons are common occurrences in the U.S. when in fact most shootings in the U.S. are committed with handguns. And many of those handguns were illegally obtained by criminals. They also cite statistics for suicides with guns. If someone wants to kill themselves do you believe they won't do it just because they don't have a gun?
  19. That's because you keep citing left wing propaganda sources for your so called "facts".
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