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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Like I said before, guns are not the problem. The problem is the inner city culture of violence. People where I live own guns, but they don't shoot each other.
  2. Fact Check is run by a bunch of liberal progressives, so who checks the accuracy and honesty of fact check?
  3. Sort of like when O_U812 blames the looting and burning done by BLM and ANTIFA on the Proud Boys.
  4. No, if the GOP had voted for a Washington,D.C. establishment run commission they would have indeed fucked themselves by giving credibility to an unfair rigged partisan investigation. Whether Democrat or Republican every member of that commission would have been anti Trump and his supporters.
  5. You are the personification of an inferior intellect who has a superiority complex. In essence, you are an idiot who believes he is brilliant.
  6. That's because he progressed from your infantile league many, many years ago. Too bad you're stuck there.
  7. Who the hell gives a fuck about Q and QAnon. I and most of the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump had no idea who or what QAnon was until Democrats and idiots like you started talking about them.
  8. Because the entire article does not support his deceitful distorting half truth agenda.
  9. Who the hell are you to demand that people pay attention to the garbage you post on here? I guess that's how things are done in Russia. Sorry comrade Golfer but you are not dealing with a bunch of complacent indoctrinated Russians on this thread. We think for ourselves and choose or own sources for news.
  10. Steve Schmidt is a Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwelling dumb fuck who is a co-founder of the despicable Lincoln Project. He was a promoter of Republican rino losers John McCain and Mitt Romney.
  11. Golfer and O_U812 want to put political opponents in prison, want to deprogram Trump supporters, and want to close down Fox News and other conservative news outlets while at the same time scream that Republicans are fascists. If they want to see real fascists all they need to do is look in a mirror.
  12. If there were real justice in this country Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the whole Biden family would be in prison right now.
  13. Here's what happens: The politicians who put him in jail get voted out of office by the American people, and then those politicians are put on trial for their corruption and abuse of power.
  14. Lying and distorting is a way of life for O_U812. I think that is part of his ANTIFA training.
  15. That is a very accurate description of how Democrats behave in Washington D.C.😉
  16. That straight jacket and padded cell are close to becoming reality for you.
  17. And no doubt all those so called experts are liberal progressives.
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