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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The purpose of an investigation is to find and reveal evidence, dumb fuck.
  2. McConnell should say he will consider support for a Jan.6 commission if there is also a commission to investigate cheating in the 2020 election.
  3. So now media polls are going to determine the rules of the Senate? LMAO
  4. Enjoy your last term in the Senate, Lisa. You will be taken out in the 2022 Republican primary election.
  5. Trying to hide your Russian connection by posting a story about baseball? Nice try, but it won't work, comrade Golfer.😉
  6. And Trump's resolve to run in 2024 is causing liberal progressive morons like you to have a mental meltdown. What size shirt do you wear? Need to make sure your straight jacket fits.
  7. The "lab leak" theory is now the most credible explanation for the origin of the covid-19 pandemic. So credible that the Biden Administration has been forced into conducting a 90 day investigation of covid-19's origin. But the investigation will find nothing because the Chinese Communist government owns Joe Biden and his family.
  8. Your statements are so insane that you have absolutely no credibility.
  9. BLM and ANTIFAs' end game is to bring down the U.S. government and install a Marxist government in its place.
  10. If we believe in true equality why even mention the race of either one? One human being shot another human being. It is your side that wants to make it about race for solely political reasons.
  11. How about not mentioning race, period? Why not just say a police officer shot a man? It is your side that wants to divide people by race.
  12. Saying Rudy was a horrible mayor just proves how totally dishonest you are. After that ignorant statement no one should ever believe anything you say. As for putting Rudy and Trump in prison; sorry, comrade Golfer but putting political opponents in prison is how things are done in your shitty country of Russia, not in the USA.
  13. And you support people who believe in idiotic policies, so you are enabling idiotic policies therefore you are an idiot.😉
  14. And the fewer people with guns will be the criminals while innocent law abiding people are disarmed because they obey the gun laws and criminals don't. Added to that is the fact that liberal progressives want to defund the police along with the new gun laws. With no guns and no police how will innocent people protect themselves from criminals?
  15. I really don't care what you believe or don't believe because you mean nothing to me, comrade Golfer.
  16. You are too ignorant and dishonest to have conversation with. Probably a big part of your problem is that English is not your native language.
  17. They will just blame ANTIFA ans BLMs' dirty work on Trump and the Proud Boys. That's their go to propaganda line. According to them ANTIFA and BLM never do anything wrong.
  18. Not too smart. You can't even support yourself, freeloader parasite.
  19. Biden doesn't even know what the fucking plan is. He just reads memos his staff hands him.
  20. You have no facts. All you you have are lies, distortions and propaganda.
  21. Every fucking story you posted about a police officer shooting a Black person stressed the point that the police officer was White, liar.
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