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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When do you ever read stories from the Federalist, The New York Post, The Washington Times , The Washington Examiner, The Wall Street Journal, or watch Fox News and News Max? Never, right? So why should I read your left wing garbage?
  2. Him angry? It is you that is threatening violence and bloodshed if the 2020 elections don't give the result you want.
  3. Because they are lured in by the Communist promise of utopia. Free everything for everybody, all you have to do is surrender your freedom to the government.
  4. To them socialism/communism is just a continuation of mommy and daddys' basement. Under socialism/communism the government will replace mommy and daddy supporting and taking care of them. Thus, O_U812 can remain a dependent child the rest of his life.
  5. You are projecting again. About time for that straight jacket and padded cell.
  6. He is being treated unfairly by a bunch of Democrat AGs. They are doing to Trump exactly what Putin does to his political rivals in Russia.
  7. A more accurate description of the laws is that they are laws to suppress illegal voting and election cheating.
  8. That was an excellent description of the voting laws in Joe Biden's home state of Delaware.
  9. No, that was the gang banger thugs excuse to open fire. That's the culture they live in and promote. Crime and violence are their way of life.
  10. Since Golfer lives in Moscow he doesn't know much about the inner cities of the U.S. I would like to dump his White Russian ass off on a street corner in North St. Louis, Mo. or East St.Louis, IL and allow him to walk around for a day. At the end of the day there is a good chance he would be lying dead in the street with a few bullets in his body.
  11. Violence and bloodshed by who, ANTIFA and BLM thugs like you because you don't like the results of a fair and honest election? Are you and your ANTIFA buddies already planning the violence and bloodshed?
  12. And the ignorant brain dead blue is the color lives in the failing and disintegrating UK. The nation that socialists have destroyed. Thank God losers like you don't live in the U.S.
  13. You mean all those articles from your left wing propaganda blogs, comrade Golfer?
  14. So says the Russian indoctrinated fool who has never had a thought that was not approved by the Putin government. Without the propaganda blogs you post on here you would have nothing to say.
  15. And you worship the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democratic Party because you know it will bring down America just like you and Putin want, comrade Golfer..
  16. Your approval of the first sentence proves the second sentence to be true. You and O_U812 are authoritarian thugs. Maybe that's how you do things in Russia but not over here, comrade Golfer.
  17. O_U812 is upset that Republicans are going to make it more difficult for illegal aliens to register and vote. He is also upset that Democrats will not be able to flood the polling sites will illegal mail-in ballots. O_U812 can't believe that any state would have the audacity to make voters prove who they are with an ID before being allowed to vote.
  18. O_U812 projecting the authoritarian deeds of Democrats onto Republicans.
  19. Don't think we will have those problems where I live. We don't have a culture where crime and violence are accepted as a normal way of life.
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