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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He's just pissed off that the Democrats master plan to steal elections in Texas is being derailed by election protection legislation. The Democrats plan to import thousands of illegal aliens and then register them to vote in U.S. elections is being upended with the new state election laws.
  2. More propaganda from more unnamed sources that probably don't exist.
  3. The expressed goal of both ANTIFA and BLM is to bring down the U.S. government and install a Marxist government in its place.
  4. With as much time and effort that O_U812 and Golfer spend researching and posting propaganda blogs on this thread, I am convinced that they are paid by someone to post the comments.
  5. Act accordingly? How? By ignoring the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rules of the House and Senate?
  6. The primary purpose of the Jan.6 commission is so that Democrats and the news media can talk about info leaked from the commission during the 2022 election campaign. That way the Democrats and their buddies in the news media can avoid talking about the Democrats' disastrous socialist legislative policies.
  7. Wrong. A moderate Congressional Republican should be represented by an elephant on a leash being led around by a Democrat donkey.
  8. Rebekah Jones has been proven to be a total fraud. Here is the headline in the May13,2021 issue of the New York Post, "How Rebekah Jones Peddled Lies About Florida Covid-19 Deaths". Here is the story from the May21, 2021 issue of the Federalist, " Rebekah Jones, the Florida Covid-19 'whistleblower, who wasn't' conceded Thursday that her entire operation to frame health officials with manipulating pandemic data was a hoax when she admitted that she was never asked to delete deaths in the data base."
  9. Johm Berman "at a loss for words" is a big improvement to his CNN show.😉
  10. Paul Ryan was a wimp who cost the Republicans the House in the 2018 election because he failed to push through legislation that had been promised to the American people in the 2016 election. Ryan was the do nothing type Republican that Democrat politicians love.
  11. Harry Litman is a Democrat political hack. Almost everything he says is done to promote a Democrat political agenda.
  12. Your comment is a disgrace to the name Alexander Hamilton. Also, sounds like you have consumed too much of the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist kool-aid. Your mind has been filled with their insane and dishonest talking points. If "most White Americans today remain deeply racist" how is it that Barack Obama was elected president twice?
  13. That's how the left attempts to intimidate and shut up any opposition to their policies. Good ole Sol Alinsky tactics.
  14. And you are accusing me of projecting? With that statement you are the Projector in Chief.
  15. So why do you believe Barr? Again, why are you afraid of a commission to investigate the 2020 election if there was no voter fraud?
  16. The results would be the same either way. The Democrats would have just as much control over a commission as they will over their Congressional investigation. At least with the Congressional investigation they lose the appearance of being fair and objective.
  17. Stacy Abrams is probably one of the biggest subverters of elections in the history of this country. This fool still believes she is the duly elected governor of Georgia.
  18. Speaking of criminals, Jeff Tiedrich looks like a homeless criminal.😉
  19. Not really, you could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't even notice. It would be like a mosquito flying out of my life.😉
  20. So why do you fear an investigation? If there is no evidence the investigation will show the election was not stolen, and fewer people will question the validity of the election. Would that not be a good thing?
  21. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, simpleton.
  22. A $6 trillion budget? If I were purposely trying to destroy the U.S. economy I would do exactly what the Democrats are doing.
  23. It's laughable that O_U812 is a proponent of the "Fairness Doctrine" when his normal response to anyone that disagrees with him is "STFU". More like he is a proponent of the "Stalinist Doctrine".
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