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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Democrats believe in science except when biology says there are definite physical differences between men and women which makes it unfair for men to compete against women in athletic events.Transgender surgery does not negate the physical advantages that the biological male/transgender has over real women. That is real science.
  2. Biden doesn't even know what his policies are. He just says and does what Obama's people tell him to say and do.
  3. That's because I don't pay attention to Russian propaganda, comrade Golfer. Save it for the ignorant indoctrinated Democrats.
  4. If you believe that men who transgender into women should be allowed to compete against real women in athletics you truly are an idiot.
  5. I don't have a problem with America and the American people. I have a problem with people like you, O_U812 and the liberal progressive socialist/Marxists who want destroy it.
  6. Oops, I forgot to put the name of Seth Rich on that Clinton hit list.
  7. Popular until the realities of those policies start affecting their lives.
  8. We'll see what American voters think of those socialist/Marxist policies in the 2022 elections.
  9. Like I said before, my goal is to drive you into a straight jacket and padded cell.
  10. That's because they don't want to end up like Jeffrey Epstein and Vince Foster.
  11. A list of liberal progressive socialist/Marxist lies and fantasies, no doubt.😏
  12. You are delusional and severely mentally ill. Time for the straight jacket and padded cell.
  13. Since you've run out of the few English words you know you could start posting in your native Russian language. Or now that your mind is empty you could start posting stories from the left wing propaganda blogs again.😏
  14. Why would I ever want to kill myself when I am happy living in the greatest country on earth? Just need to keep the Democrats and Russian agents like you from destroying it.
  15. Bill and Hillary spent time vacationing at Epstein's ranch, and Bill took numerous flights on Epstein's private plane.
  16. If Trump goes to prison you and "The Prick" will have nothing to talk about. 😏
  17. Don Lemon is one of the biggest clowns on tv. He's probably still looking for the black hole that he believes swallowed up the 2014 missing Malaysian plane.
  18. Since "you can't fix stupid" means there is no hope for you.😏
  19. That is such an ignorant statement. Opposing Democrat policies is in the best interest of the American people. Also, Democrats violated the U.S.Constitution with two unconstitutional impeachments.
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