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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Democrats are not extremists? Democrats have blocked a bill in the House to sanction supporters of the terrorist group Hamas.
  2. Your mind is so simple. You are a perfect example of how our Democrat controlled public education system has dumb downed American students. How sad.
  3. Sounds similar to accusations Putin makes to attack his political foes. Wonder if Democrats will use Putin tactics to get rid of them?😏
  4. Too bad Democrat mayors don't take that advice to control violent crime in their cities.
  5. An important fact was left out of this story. Here's how it should have been reported, " The DEMOCRAT New York Attorney General's office has confirmed to MSNBC ...."
  6. Damn, you went from posting stories from liberal progressive socialist blogs to a story from a full out Marxist publication (Mother Jones).
  7. The GOP is NOT trying to install authoritarianism in our country.😏
  8. The Palestinians' biggest problems are Hamas and Iran. Hamas and Iran have no desire to peacefully live with Israel.
  9. Believe what you need to believe and never allow reality to creep in, little snowflake.
  10. That sounds exactly like what the liberal progressive socialist Democrats are doing right now in the U.S. Conservatives and an ex-American president are being banned from Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. Marjorie Greene was removed from a Congressional committee by Democrats. The Pentagon is in the process of purging conservatives and Trump supporters from the armed forces.
  11. Yes, little Russian agent. And when will you pull your head out of Putin's ass, comrade Golfer?
  12. You're naive. In the 2020 election Trump received 68.63% of the vote in West Virginia. Do you really believe Joe will buck those numbers?
  13. And you WANT it to be true because Gaetz will not bow to the will of Democrats in Congress. Bottom line is that you want a Democrat or a wimpy Republican to take Gaetz's place in Congress.
  14. Two months ago Texas repealed the covid mask wearing mandate. Today Texas reported that yesterday there were no deaths from covid in the whole state of Texas.
  15. Joe Manchin has said he will not vote to eliminate the filibuster, so how can they pass the so called voting rights bill without 60 votes.
  16. Not an expert on everything. I just have MY own thoughts and opinions on issues. Seventy five years of personal experiences have taught me to be skeptical of so called experts.
  17. I will if it is proven to be true, but right now he has been charged with nothing by the FBI. All that is out there now are unnamed sources and hearsay which you WANT to be true.
  18. According to Wikipedia Vox "has been described as left-of-center and progressive."
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