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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Biden Administration sabotaged the deal by giving money to Palestine and Hamas to buy rockets from Iran which were then used to attack Israel.
  2. More proof that RawStory is not an unbiased news source. Notice that the attorney never ever makes any direct accusations against Matt Gaetz. The attorney made not one news worthy comment. Saying the case would be "must-see television" means absolutely nothing. The attorney has one goal, to save his clients ass from prosecution.
  3. The so called under aged victims are no longer under aged, so why do they still need protection? And the names of the supposed legal aged prostitutes have never been revealed either.
  4. More propaganda from another left wing blog. The Abraham Accords were working and If Biden had not given money to Hamas to buy rockets from Iran the accords would have continued to work. The other Arab nations in the middle east fear Iran much more than they fear Israel, so it is to their advantage to align with Israel against Iran and Iran's terrorist proxies.
  5. But at least the people making sexual harassment complaints against Cuomo have names, and his actions with nursing home residents are public knowledge.
  6. I've read enough of them to know that the reporters are not unbiased and are liberal progressive leftists. The stories are biased editorial comments rather than real news reports.
  7. The Trump Administration terminated over $200 million in foreign aid to Palestine, and from 2017 thru 2020 there was very little violence between Israel and Palestine. Upon taking office the Biden Administration reinstated the aid to Palestine. Now one month after that money was given to Palestine Israel has been attacked with rockets from Gaza. Coincidence? I don't think so, I believe Hamas used the money given to Palestine by the Biden Administration to buy rockets from Iran.
  8. The only reason RawStory has been on Cuomo's ass is because the Democrat AG of New York is on his case, and they know that Cuomo's wrongs are so obvious that if Democrats do not take him out they risk Cuomo taking the New York Democratic Party down with him.
  9. But you and the Golfer are the ones who keep posting stories from RawStory on this thread while insisting they are real unbiased news reporters.
  10. But not one complaint from RawStory about Maxine Waters going to Minneapolis to incite riots at the Chauvin murder trial. Yep, that's really fair, balanced, and unbiased news reporting.
  11. I believe the Democrats want to spend trillions of dollars in a purposeful attempt to destabilize and cause chaos in the U.S. economy. Then, when American citizens plead for a return to economic stability and security the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats will propose that the U.S. government provide that stability and and security by taking complete control of the U.S. economy.
  12. Notice how the so called unbiased news sources posted on here by Golfer06 and O_U812 never ever say anything negative about anyone that supports the liberal progressive Democrat agenda? Never ever any dirt about, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC, nor any other liberal progressive Democrat. Isn't that a bit strange for blogs that O_U812 and Golfer06 claim are legitimate sources of unbiased news and facts? LMAO at their hypocrisy and deceit.
  13. RawStory in using the unethical media tactic of "guilt by association." I can play that game too. Jeffrey Epstein was a "close confidant" of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Bill took numerous trips on Epstein's private plane.😏
  14. You sound like you are about to start eating bugs again. I see a straight jacket and padded cell in your future.
  15. I think the NYPD should ban the NYC Pride parade organizers from ever receiving any police protection. Let them call BLM or ANTIFA when their homes are burglarized or they are assaulted. 😏
  16. Even if Nicholas contributed nothing it would still be 20 times more than what either you or O_U812 have contributed.
  17. He's on here because he failed in school just like he has failed in everything else in his life. He has such a nasty personality because he knows that he is a total and complete failure.
  18. What's your favorite verse from the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO?😉
  19. Poor little ANTIFA snowflake "the Prick" O_U812 afraid of a woman.
  20. And you actually are a Russian agent. I should have known that from the beginning since your mind is so limited.Typical indoctrinated male Russian dumb fuck.
  21. I think beating it is what you spend most of your time doing.
  22. Same old story from the little ANTIFA snowflake liar. Also, according to your rationale the next time a police officer shoots a Black criminal the name of that officer will be nobody's business either.
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