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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I see you are speechless again, little Russian agent. Consult with Putin, he'll tell you what to say.😉
  2. You can't even be truthful about where Trump is. Typical Marxist, lie about everything.
  3. ANTIFA and BLM did much more property damage than did the Jan.6 Washington, D.C. protesters.
  4. Per an article from THE HILL posted on MSN a new Ipsos poll shows 48% of U.S. adults believe the country is on the wrong track, while 37% believe the country is on the right track. The news media will need to work even harder to protect "Sleepy Joe" and to keep his poll numbers from tanking.
  5. And you looked the other way when ANTIFA and BLM were rioting, looting and burning American cities last summer.
  6. No, they want to expel her because she is a strong voice in opposition to their liberal progressive socialist/Marxist agenda that will destroy America. The Democrats want more wimpy Republicans in Congress like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.
  7. You need to send a PM to O_U812. He forgot to give you a "like" for this comment. He's not keeping his end of the bargain with you. The "likes" you two post for each other are almost as phony as your comments.
  8. Anybody who believes the Jan.6 protest was a real attempt to overthrow the government is a complete and total idiot.
  9. But AOC was the one doing all the crying as the little Marxist snowflake tattletale ran to mommy Pelosi and the news media to complain about the big bad Marjorie Greene.
  10. Nancy Pelosi and AOC will probably want to expel her for bringing a copy of the U.S. Constitution into the Capitol Building.😏
  11. Sounds like you are a sexist racist who is afraid of a strong independent Asian woman.
  12. Why does all your so called news come from left wing blogs? These so called experts will just tell the American people what Biden Administration wants them to hear.
  13. And I'm saying those so called experts are wrong. Not possible for the government to infuse trillions of dollars into the economy and not get inflation.
  14. I completely comprehend. I just don't accept the propaganda you post as being real unbiased news reporting.
  15. Let's see if you can convince anyone of that a year from now.
  16. I do. What you post is not news. It is left wing propaganda.
  17. More propaganda posted by Putin's little Russian agent comrade Golfer06.
  18. What did your girlfriend think of you being castrated? Or does she like you better that way?
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