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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. No, because she and her husband were part of the Washington, D.C. establishment swamp. She doesn't give a damn about working class Americans.
  2. But he has you and Golfer to spread his leftist socialist/Marxist propaganda for him.😉
  3. Your source for this was Americans Against The Republican Party. Not at all biased, right?
  4. One of the last places I would go to for the truth about anything is CNN.
  5. You sure RAWSTORY wasn't just being sarcastic. That's the excuse you usually use when you are caught lying.😉
  6. The DOJ and FBI in Washington, D.C. were so deeply corrupted by eight years of the Obama presidency that Barr had little real control over any of the DOJ or FBI. The agency was and is still infested with career people appointed by the Obama Administration.
  7. You just told another lie. Just can't help yourself can you? And as a matter of fact the Capitol police officer who died was beaten by no one.
  8. That's because the Obama corrupted DOJ never investigates nor prosecutes Democrats for anything.
  9. How about when you told us the Capitol police officer was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump rioters.
  10. Don't think so. A lot of those 80+ million votes weren't real people or were people who voted more than once.😉
  11. But he's a hell of a lot more successful than you will ever be. The name Jugghead fits you well.😉
  12. You shouldn't worry too much, there are only 75+ million of us. 😉 And it's not too smart to move forward when you are heading off a cliff.
  13. But environmentalists will not allow us to build any new damns to generate hydroelectric power. I have no problem with green energy, but I do have a problem with destroying our economy with a half baked green energy plan. In my opinion, the Green New Deal has more to do with a desire to control people's lives than it has to do with saving the planet.
  14. I have a better idea. We should vote for people who are not rinos and Democrats.
  15. Since environmentalists are opposed to using coal, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric to generate electricity, have scientists calculated how many windmills and solar panels we will need to supply our current electric needs plus the additional electricity we will need to replace all the internal combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles? Seems to me the whole country will need to be covered with windmills and solar panels.
  16. The American people deserve to know whether or not Joe Biden is receiving medication for his dementia.
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