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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Okay. Democrats will lose both the House and Senate in the 2022 election because of their socialist policies.
  2. I see you took my advice and stopped posting your own ignorant thoughts. Back to the propaganda blogs and childish GIFs for you. Next you'll probably be posting comments in Russian.😏
  3. You can't see because your head is too full of communist propaganda.
  4. They are all "former" Republican officials because voters have no use for them. Ex-swamp dwelling losers who don't give a damn about the American people.
  5. That's because ignorant Democrats and Russian agents like you call everything Republican presidents do treason. When Reagan was president the person who actually did commit treason was Sen.Ted Kennedy who was actively working with the Soviets to undermine the Reagan Administration.
  6. Democrats and the Washington,D.C. establishment greatly damaged Democracy in America with the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. If we lose our country and democracy it will be because of the Democrats' Stalinist tactics. A giant step towards the loss of democracy in America would be passage of HR-1.
  7. What does a loser like you know about being successful? Better go back to posting your propaganda blogs. When you post your own thoughts your simple minded ignorance shows.
  8. The above quote from you shows that you are nothing but a lying son of a bitch. Saying that Trump wanted to shoot illegal immigrants shows how sick and mentally deranged you are. You need to crawl back under your rock in Moscow, loser.
  9. All the evidence you just presented is unsubstantiated hearsay presented by anonymous people who hate Matt Gaetz. Why have none of these so called underage women brought criminal rape charges against Gaetz? Sounds to me like more of your propaganda.
  10. I thought it was illegal to buy votes. I guess if you do it with taxpayer money it's okay.
  11. That's because you are too stupid to understand anything that makes sense.😏
  12. The fact that there were no criminal indictments during the Obama Administration just proves how Barack Obama,Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch completely politicized and corrupted the DOJ and FBI.
  13. More propaganda and lies from this threads indoctrinated mental retard.
  14. But they still play with them when they're not out rioting, looting and burning.
  15. If the FBI investigation is confidential how could anyone outside the FBI know what is being investigated?
  16. You mean the committee that the authoritarian Stalinist Democrats voted her off of because they are just like you and cannot tolerate anyone who does not think the way they do.
  17. Which is more proof that the 74+million people who voted for Trump are not Neo-Nazi White supremacists like you claim they are.
  18. The "woke" liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democratic Party is mass psychosis.
  19. Looks like collusion to me. Now all we need is a new Steele Dossier to confirm it; and then, it will be time for a special prosecutor to investigate.
  20. What's wrong? Can't handle the truth about your dear leader "Sleepy Joe" Biden?
  21. When you lose your train of thought in the middle of a sentence, you can't remember people's names, and can't keep any facts involving numbers straight you have much more than a stuttering problem.
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