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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So you're saying Joe Biden didn't sign an executive order to stop construction of the Keystone Pipeline and that Russian hackers didn't shutdown the Colonial Pipeline?
  2. And Joe Biden speaks like someone with dementia because he suffers from dementia.
  3. Can't handle the truth about yourself that I exposed, can you little ANTIFA snowflake loser?
  4. Looks like Joe Biden and the Russians are teaming up to disrupt America's oil supply lines. "Sleepy Joe" shutdown one pipeline (Keystne XL Pipeline) with the stroke of an ink pen and the Russians shutdown another pipeline (Colonial Pipeline) with a cyber attack.
  5. You are living rent free, but not in my head. You are living rent free in your mommy and daddys' basement because you are incapable of supporting yourself.😉
  6. The name of this thread should be changed to the"O_U812 and Golfer06 liberal progressive socialist/Marxist propaganda blogs page", since that is what it has become.
  7. This just shows how dumb you are. In Illinois the Democrats have controlled both the House and Senate of the state legislature for at least the last 20 years, so Republicans don't have the power to gerrymander anything. In 2001, 2011 and now again in 2021 it will be the Democrats remaking electoral districts in Illinois.
  8. It's you leftist who are trying to take away citizens' rights to possess guns, dumb fuck.
  9. Yeah, we're headed that way with the Biden Administration and his use of the DOJ and FBI to intimidate political foes.
  10. And people should look at your avatar and take you seriously, right?
  11. Yelling FIRE with your insane conspiracy theories is what you do on this thread everyday.
  12. And if the Democrats are able to impose The New Green Deal on America there will be no tv, internet, nor electricity.
  13. It's called "Freedom of Choice". I thought that's what you Democrats and Russian agents were in favor of.
  14. Sorry, little Russian agent, but Democrats run the city of Atlanta.
  15. Only a fool would believe the lies contained in the Hillary paid for Steele Dossier.
  16. As many times as the Democrats have investigated Trump I don't see how anything could be hidden. The only thing that will be found are the lies Democrats and the news media manufacture.
  17. I watched a baseball game from Atlanta, Ga. last night. The stadium was full and hardly anyone was wearing a mask. Beautiful to see freedom returning to America.
  18. And the Stalinist Democrats continue their politically motivated witch hunt. They better hurry up because at the end of 2022 they will lose control of the committee.
  19. More danger of leftist authoritarians like you taking away my freedom than anyone on the right. The leftist running Twitter, FaceBook, and Google have demonstrated their intolerance of ideas they do not agree with.
  20. Jim Acosta spread the Trump/Russia collusion lie for three years, and now he is telling other people to "wake up"? LMAO
  21. Putin really needs to hire some propagandists who are much more intelligent and convincing than you are. Better step up your game or you could be spending next winter in Siberia.
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