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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The people dying from Covid-19 were/are the elderly and people with chronic health problems. Healthy working age people were not dying from the virus. The people most vulnerable to the virus should have been protected while the rest of society was allowed to live normal lives with limited voluntary restrictions such as wearing masks and social distancing.
  2. You're the one who needs to wake up and realize that the lock down strategy was a failure. Not only did it not stop the spread of the virus, but it also severely damaged the world's economic stability.
  3. Until Cohen saw the truth, or until he realized that telling the FBI the lies they wanted to hear about Trump might help to keep Cohen from spending many years in prison?
  4. But all your sources are left wing disinformation propaganda blogs who have no journalistic credibility.
  5. If that standard were applied to the Democrats and the mainstream news media they would be silent all the time.
  6. They probably didn't publish the Greenberg letter either because they don't have the letter or because the letter does not say what they allege it says.
  7. And Michael Cohen is an 'idiot' who 'lies' too much. The perfect source for a CNN and RAWSTORY.COM story. Michael Cohen, CNN and RAWSTORY.COM have the same level of credibility, zero. 😉
  8. My source was the story from a blog posted on this thread by O_U812. Maybe you need to read things on this thread before making comments, dumb fuck Russian agent.
  9. I was hoping you would know the answer since you are the one who posts stories from The Lincoln Project on a regular basis. They are your go to source for info and propaganda, not mine.
  10. Did they lose their jobs because of the pandemic or because of the ignorant lock down response to the pandemic by incompetent authoritarian government officials?
  11. Spoken like the true Stalinist that you are. Silence all dissent to the group think dogma.
  12. So why did The Daily Beast not publish their copy of the Greenberg letter?
  13. How is it that The Lincoln Project knew about the raid on Rudy Giuliani's apartment before the raid took place?
  14. During the FBI raid of Giuliani's apartment Rudy offered the hard drives of Hunter Biden's laptop computer but the FBI agents refused to take them. Why? Could it be because they don't want to know what is on the hard drives?
  15. Under the direction of the Biden(Obama) Administration the FBI is behaving a lot like the Soviet KGB. Putin would be proud of their actions.
  16. I was surprised that he was able to stay awake past his bedtime.😉
  17. Okay. I suggest you drop dead. How's that for a positive suggestion?😉
  18. Lets see how popular Biden and the Democrats are when the American people realize how negatively impacted their way of life will be in order to meet Biden's goal of the U.S. reducing carbon emissions by 52% as of 2030.
  19. All the liberal progressive garbage that has been poured into your head by our educational system.
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