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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You have an avatar of you holding your dick, and you are calling me weird? LMAO
  2. You still believe that Trump/Russia collusion lie? How gullible you are. You are almost as dumb as Golfer and O_U812.
  3. So that's what you've got in your pants. I thought it was a banana.
  4. Surely Putin can find someone much more intelligent than you to spread his propaganda. Your mind is so sadly simple and non creative.
  5. The way I see it my opposition to Joe Biden and the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist policies of the Democrats makes me a patriot just like those in Russia who oppose Putin's attempt to rebuild the Soviet Union and reinstate a communist government.
  6. That's probably because Biden doesn't use toilet paper because he forgot what toilet paper is for.
  7. Stable leader? Joe can't walk up the steps of an airplane ramp without falling down, and he forgets what he is saying in the middle of a sentence.
  8. Let's see where those numbers are at the end of his first year once American voters figure out what the Democrats are really doing.
  9. Give your side which is actually other people's thoughts since you are incapable of anything original. You are the one who tells people to shut up, not me.
  10. So sad to see someone who is so indoctrinated. A useful fool for those who hate America.
  11. I'll allow the two communists Golfer and O_U812 continue the conversation alone.
  12. And if you crawled out of Putin's ass for a few minutes you might be able to see reality.
  13. Not confused. Just finally figured out who you really are, little Putin puppet.
  14. And all you offer is leftist propaganda from propaganda blogs because your mind is so simple that you have no original thoughts.
  15. Go to hell and take your fucking propaganda with you, you lying communist son of a bitch.
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