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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Where are the marches and protests for unarmed Ashli Babitt who was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer?
  2. And the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist propaganda continues by the Russian agent.
  3. Wonder is the weather is warm enough for Golfer to get in a round of golf in Moscow today?
  4. What happened? Golfer didn't give you "likes" for your last three posts. You guys need to coordinate your strategy a bit better.😏
  5. The cop shot her to stop her from attacking another woman with a knife. And that is not speculation my part, that was shown in the policeman's body cam video. On Jan.6 Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer and she didn't even have a weapon in her hand.That was also clearly shown by a phone camera video.
  6. You are about ready for that padded cell. Maybe even a straight jacket.
  7. If you read the legislation from those states you would see that they are not criminalizing peaceful protests. They are criminalizing violent destructive demonstrations. This is why I hardly ever read the blogs you post. The blogs outright lie and distort the truth jut like you and Golfer do.
  8. And you are a coward who wants American troops stationed all over the world but are unwilling to be one of those troops. That makes you a total failure, Mr. Chicken Hawk.
  9. If you actually believe Trump plotted and planned the Jan.6 invasion of the Capitol Building you are certifiably insane!
  10. Just like the lie you told about increasing the size of the Supreme Court having 75% support among Americans. In truth, the proposal to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court is supported by only 33% of American voters.
  11. Wonder how much money the Biden family is making off the cartel's business since Joe Biden is encouraging the cartels to bring Immigrants into the U.S.?
  12. Don't waste your time. Golfer and O_U812 will just make up some lie for an answer.
  13. So why don't you join the military to protect Ukraine? But you won't because you are a coward who expects other Americans to shed their blood so that you can sit safely back in America on you lazy cowardly ass. You are a phony hypocrite.
  14. So says the loudmouth who is too much of a coward to join the military even though he thinks the U.S. should have troops stationed all around the world.
  15. Damn! What happened to the global warming. We've got snow on the ground today and expect a low temperature tonight of 27F.
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