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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Maybe we should turn this thread over to Golfer and O_U812 and see how long it takes for them to start attacking each other.
  2. The only people unhappy with the Chauvin verdict are BLM and ANTIFA. Now they don't have an excuse to riot,loot and burn the city of Minneapolis.
  3. No, he is naturally insane without need of any alcohol nor drugs to make him that way.😉
  4. They won't need to steal them. Joe and the Democrats will include free wide screen tvs and a pair of Nike shoes as part of the infrastructure bill.
  5. Truth to you is propaganda and propaganda is truth. No wonder you are so ass backwards.
  6. The only place that plot exists is in the minds of crazy liberal progressive Democrats like you. Not much of a "plot" if you try to overthrow the U.S. government with a disorganized riot by an unarmed mob.
  7. That's exactly what you and other liberals do all the time to hide your racism. Anytime I criticize a woman or Black person you and O_U812 call me a sexist and a racist.
  8. Now you're a doctor and know more than the coroner who did the autopsy? LMAO
  9. Joe is living off the economy Trump built, but he is in the process of screwing it up.
  10. Wait until the market realizes how unsound Biden's economic policies are. Probably a repeat of Jimmy Carter's stagflation economy. A stagnant economy combined with a high rate of inflation.
  11. Maybe you need to check the real news once in awhile to get your facts straight.
  12. I didn't know Spying was a part of the Black inner city culture of violence. I thought he was White.😉
  13. There was no insurrection and there was no murdered Capitol police officer. He died of natural causes. The only person murdered on Jan.6 was the unarmed woman protester who was shot by a yet to be named Capitol police officer.
  14. Yeah, you like wimpy Republicans like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins, but you can't handle Republicans who actually fight back and point out your and the Democrats' deceit.😏
  15. But your propaganda is not facts. And your belief in man made climate change is your religion.
  16. I could keep up with someone as mentally limited as you in my sleep.😏
  17. The Biden way: Print money and give it away while keeping businesses closed.
  18. And when the market crashes the Democrats will blame it on Trump.
  19. How many times have you called? Oops, I forgot. You don't know how to dial a phone.
  20. And that was a lie too. Per new Intel report there is no evidence to support claim that Russia paid Taliban a bounty for killing U.S. troops.
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