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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Not possible. No real woman would ever want to be anywhere close to you.
  2. I hope the cops can shoot straight the next time they encounter you out looting and burning with your ANTIFA comrades.
  3. When the Constitution is amended the Amendment becomes a permanent part of the Constitution. What gives an "unchanging nature" to the Constitution is how difficult it is to pass an Amendment. That was done to make sure the Constitution could not be easily changed.
  4. Fuck you! You sorry piece of shit. The next time you and your ANTIFA thug buddies take part in a riot I hope some cop beats your head in.
  5. Two weeks ago my girlfriend and I went out to eat at a local restaurant. The owner and his wife were waiting on tables. He said he can't get people to return to work because he can't afford to pay them as much as they are receiving from enhanced unemployment benefits. Sounds like there will be a lot of teenagers and Spanish speaking people waiting tables this summer.😏
  6. The Stalinists' answer to any opposition, "Shut Up" or we will shut you up.
  7. If America is such a terrible racist nation why do Black and Brown people keep trying to immigrate here?
  8. Fuck you. I hope you die in your sleep tonight like I worried about dying in my sleep every night I was in Vietnam. You cowardly slimy gutless prick.
  9. That's because I've never tried to reenlist. Besides, don't think they would want someone 75 years old.
  10. But there is nothing you can do to feel good about yourself because you hate the color of your own skin.
  11. Jennifer Rubin a conservative? She is almost as conservative as Bernie Sanders.
  12. Hardly glory days. More like spending a year hoping I didn't get killed in a war that Democrat politicians sent me to fight in.
  13. You are the one deflecting because you will not answer the question. But we know the answer. You are the gutless cowardly pussy who would never enlist in the U.S. military. The big mouth little boy who wants other Americans to shed their blood to protect his cowardly trembling little ass.
  14. So says the Golfer who is too much of a coward to join the U.S.military.
  15. Never said that. I said the Constitution is to be followed as written, and if you don't like parts of it then pass Amendments to change it.
  16. Most ANTIFA members are upper class White losers. And if they try to high jack vehicles I have no problem with people running over them in order to escape the mob.
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